Sarah, on the other hand, was preoccupied with how the system could do this to her. Are you trying to ruin everything? Will there be a problem if a boy leaves the family?

[There will be no problem. They served their purpose, and consider this a method of screening them out. I can't analyze their emotions for you, and only by exposing them to something so blatant as this can we truly understand what they're thinking.]

{But what if they are cunning foxes who know how to hide their emotions and try to screw us over in the future by hitting us where it hurts?}

[I may not be able to calculate how loyal they are to you, but anyone harboring malicious thoughts about you will be dealt with harshly, with your permission.]

{Is there any way we can solve this problem?}

[You will be able to access more services if the host upgrades the system!]

{Why didn't you say anything in the first place?}