There was Meleek, whom Sarah had a crush on at the time, but what isn't meant to be will never be. Things can't be forced, neh.

Another thing was that Sarah no longer wanted to find a boy to groom as she did with O'Neal, but rather someone who knows what they want and already has a plan.

Quinton and Sam didn't give her a headache because they are goal-oriented men who know what they want, and that is her.

They have their money and aren't with her for the trivialities she possesses.

She desired that type of boy, so she planned to look for boys who had already graduated from high school and were working or running their own businesses. And these young men should be between the ages of 22 and 26.

And, as much as she enjoyed being a mommy for a few months, she wasn't going to choose any boy with the same fetish again, but as a masochist, she didn't mind because she will be doing all the whipping, anyway.