He wondered, looking at her happy expression, if she was so happy because of the person who had sent her a message that morning.

Despite his excellent computer and technical skills, Sam was unable to identify the culprit who had made Sarah so happy that day. Actually, he finally conceded that Sarah's firewalls were impenetrable.

He couldn't look into anything, which brought out his competitive side of him.

Sarah approached Sam with a smile on her face after receiving the call and said, "Get ready. I need you to transport me to Village 1. There's something good for me there!"

When Sam heard this, he sighed with relief, relieved that it wasn't another boy with good news, but the village chief.

Sam took over as driver and safely drove Sarah to a village five kilometers away from Honeydew Farm.

Sam passed several people on the way to wherever they were going, and they were all very friendly, waving at them or excitedly waving at Sarah.