"Do you believe she will forgive me?" Meleek asked, concerned, as he faced his best friend, who was eating his favorite new breakfast combination, a sandwich with chopped chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and peanut butter.

Meleek couldn't understand why his best friend would ruin a perfectly good sandwich by using peanut butter instead of sauce or mayo, but as long as he was happy, who was he to question his preferences?

No one would understand the level of heaven he was in. Every time he bit into that sandwich; Hillary licked his lips with satisfaction. He was disgusted at first, but when he saw this little girl enjoying her sandwich with gusto, her eyes narrowed into slits, and he became very curious about everything.

"How can we know unless we go through it? Just be the man I know, be confident in yourself, and accept whatever outcome comes your way as a man!"