Sam was stunned, shocked, and surprised, and he was simply too moved to speak. He felt his hand very heavy while holding the hard drive, and the sensation was quite intense.

He was speechless, moved, and delighted, and without saying anything, he hugged Sarah tightly, his body shaking violently.

Quinton smiled as he watched this; he wasn't sure what Sarah was going to give Sam when she gave him the storage ring, but now that he saw the gift for Sam, he was actually happy inside without being jealous.

Sam is a tech geek, and every tech geek's dream is to do something big, invent something, or be a part of something bigger than life, such as being a part of the team working on the A.I. program.

"You are the best, babes!" Quinton tapped Sarah on the back as she caressed Sam's back.

"As long as you're good to me," Sarah said with a smile, "I'll share all of my good things with you."