Quinton was born to be a model, and his heavenly looks turned many women and men into lovestruck fools, but their dreams were dashed when they saw him reach for the car.

They watched, wide-eyed, as a gloved hand reached out and safely landed on Quinton's hand.

While they were still stunned and intrigued by who was inside the car, the lady emerged from the vehicle and stood side by side with Quinton.


[Is that you, Sarrah?]

[At long last, my goddess!]

Sarah smiled as she looked around at the delighted and excited fans.

Sarah wanted to beat the fake angel at her own game on this occasion. She decided to play along after learning that her nemesis enjoys dressing in white to portray the fake angel persona that people had given her.

Sarah was not dressed in an evening gown like other female celebrities, but rather in a white formal jumpsuit with a skirt overlay that twitched to give it an ancient and modern feel.