Jowel is a lovely country in the eastern hemisphere. The country has many islands, each of which is unique and attracts tourists due to the features found there.

City U, where Sarah is currently residing, is not the capital city of Jowel, but it is one of the major cities.

Jowel is a monarchy-ruled country that is very prosperous and one of the world's largest economic giants.

Jowel is well-known for its many and diverse gemstones. Gold is widely available and can be purchased even on the streets without strict supervision.

Super and sports cars can be found everywhere; the rich are extremely wealthy, and the poor are even poorer. This is very common in most countries, so there is no need to scrutinize this lovely country too closely.

One of the main reasons Sarah loved this country from a young age was that Jowel did not limit their people's love affairs.