Piiiiiiiiiii Piiiiiiiii

Honk, honk, honk, honk, honk, honk

As young men and women exited their cars, taxis and luxurious cars were seen parked in front of a luxurious establishment.

There was a long line as the youths chatted excitedly with one another, and passersby who knew about the establishment couldn't help but lament and envy the owner.

'They're getting a lot of money!'

'How wonderful would it be if I were this wealthy?'

'Will I be able to find a rich man if I go inside there?'

'It's a great spot for a hook-up!'

This opulent establishment was the well-known Legacy Club, which opened a year ago.

Legacy catered to the wealthy; it was not a place that the poor could afford; thus, unless the poor had a wealthy friend, they couldn't enjoy themselves inside.

"What exactly are you doing here?"

"Haha, I should have asked you the same thing. I thought you said you wouldn't be here tonight!"