She only wanted to humiliate Sarrah, make her forget about her, and then get rid of her quietly. She knew there was something wrong with her from the moment she laid eyes on Sarrah, and she disliked the other.

Who knew Sarrah would defy convention and attend the awards ceremony, even wearing her favorite color, white? What was even more ridiculous was how she outshone her on that particular day.

Britney refused to accept this and decided to teach Sarrah a lesson by inviting her to the interview, where Sarrah once again demonstrated her shamelessness.

Sarrah was supposed to shine that night, but she did the unthinkable, exposing some private things that would have made good blackening material if left alone.

Even though she was slapped in the face and ignored that night, she still won because she used the marketing accounts to rile up the fans and cause Sarrah to lose her fans.