Sarah, who happened to come across a café opening, was drawn in by the cakes on display and wanted to have a bite before moving on to the next stop.

She wasn't hungry because she had eaten breakfast two hours before; she was just having cravings, and no one should stop her from getting what she wants when she has cravings.

Meleek was forced to leave his car and walk into the deserted café to buy a cake for his beloved wife.

Meleek's appearance drew a lot of attention, but the man didn't even bother looking around, instead purchasing a strawberry cake that Sarah was craving at the time and returning to the car.

[Alas, just by looking at him, I can tell he comes from a wealthy family. Such men will never bother with women like us!]

[Can't a girl fantasize?]

[I'm not saying that; I'm just trying to make things clear.]

[I believe he has a lover as well.]