Time flew by, and soon it was the day that everyone was looking forward to.

Sarah was tired of being stuck inside, so she decided to host this live stream in her gazebo. She didn't have to worry about the heat because there were curtains to keep the strong sun rays out.

Agnes had also prepared a lot of tasty treats for her to eat while she entertained her.

And the drone was hovering silently above her, filming the entire scene of the gazebo as well as another part of the farm.

This is how viewers who entered the live stream were greeted.

Sarah wore no veil because it was too hot to wear too many clothes on her body.

Sarah didn't look like a celebrity in her simple maternity gown.

[Doesn't she appear overly relaxed?]

[Greetings, goddess!]

[You look fantastic as usual!]

[Sarrah, I miss you.]

[Wow, the baby bump is clearly visible now.]