"I won't lie about anything, which is why I was honest when asked whether I am polyamorous or not over a year ago, despite knowing that I might lose the fans I recently gained."

"If you can't accept me as I am, there's no point in following me. I'd rather have one true fan than millions of fans who want to force me to be someone I'm not."

"This is getting out of hand, so let me just wrap this whole explanation thing up and move on to something more pleasant," she chuckled, seeing how emotional she was.

She had already stopped using sign language and was speaking in another language, which wowed the audience.

"I will not make my information public for any reason to you all, so please stop pressuring me. Finally, if you have any questions, please ask them directly to me. I will do my best to answer them but don't expect me to indulge you and give you what you want. I am, after all, human," she chuckled as she said this.