At the airport, a group of people of various ages was standing and conversing happily.

"I'm so excited to see the goddess!"

"You've been saying this since yesterday!" exclaimed the other.

"That can't be helped because I live so far away; I'm not as fortunate as the people of Belmore, who get to see her now and then!"

"This is the first time I've realized how useful it is to follow someone!"

"Exactly. Most of these socialites and celebrities only know how to take from us and have never given us anything back."

"Our goddess is obviously not like those people. She doesn't force us to do things we don't want to do, and I believe she could donate on her own if it weren't for the group effort."

"That's correct; she is, after all, very wealthy."

"I'm curious if she could become a professor at my university."

"How come you'd want that?"