Sarah was sleeping soundly as if the agonizing pain had never occurred.

She was feeling very warm and tired after circulating some spiritual energy.

She hadn't heard her folks arrive home because she was sleeping soundly.

However, it was far from tranquil downstairs. Erica was particularly attentive as Agnes recounted what she had heard and seen.

As a mother, she was concerned since her kid had yelled in anguish and she herself was in pain.

Sarah's only option was to go to the hospital, but with her refusal, there was no way they could force her to go, but there were those who could make her go, and those individuals would be there in no time.

"Have you called the hospital yet?" After hearing what had happened earlier, Erica inquired of Quinton.

Quinton shook his head; he had been worried about Sarah and had accompanied her even after she had gone to bed, "I haven't called."