The Problem With Nightmares

Malachi was having a hard time processing everything that was going on, so much so that he was admittedly a bit slow to react.

"What the hell... You're...?"

"The devil, yes. Are you afraid?"

"More like I'm not in the mood. Fuck off."

A swipe of Malachi's hand released a strong blast of black lightning in the form of a tidal wave. 

The storm came crashing down on top of the devil's visage, and made aloud crackling sound as if it had struck the earth. 

Malachi wasn't really expecting to kill Lucifer if he was being honest, but he hoped that this attack would help get his point across. 

Unfortunately, he ended up rather disappointed to see that not only had he failed, but the devil had reappeared beside him even closer than he was the first time. 

"Now that's not nice! Here I am trying to exchange friendly greetings and you just-"

"Why are you here, Lucifer? No, how are you here!?" Nyx yelled angrily.