So Long and Hello

It was rare for Malachi to feel such concern from another person like this.

Tsath's words had inadvertently lit up a dormant region of Malachi's brain where he kept his most painful memories.

Once again, he had to relive the day where he found two of the women he loved more than anything trapped within jail cells and with their heads forcefully shaved.

Only he knew just how much that incident had damaged him.

Even now, he still cannot fall asleep properly unless he checks on both of them consistently to make sure that they were okay.

He was still angered over that situation. 

Even though absolutely everyone on that base had already been killed, he wasn't satisfied. 

He wanted to see the entire organization toppled over for ever allowing something like that to happen. 

Is that what Tsath meant? 

Are those the things that his new powers were intended to fix??