Peace Talks?

It was a couple of more minutes before the rest of the girls finally woke up.

They joined Malachi and Luna as they tried to keep Serana from crying over her injured nipples.

All except for Anna, who immediately pulled up her chair and started eating the breakfast that was already laid out for her. Some may have seen this as cruel, but Anna felt that if she could survive this hell once before, Serana could certainly do it too.

"Just think about what Apophis will think when he sees them for the first time." Anna replied between bites.

Serana suddenly stopped her wailing and instead a dumb little grin formed on her face.


"Works like a charm." Anna folded up and entire pancake and jammed it into her mouth like a boa constrictor.

Now that the small crisis was much more manageable, Mal and the rest of the girls sat down together and discussed the events of last night.