Failed Experiments

Five hours and an ungodly amount of sweat later, Malachi had done it.

An entire feast now lay out in front of him; unequaled in it's steamy splendor and surefire road to weight gain.

Arias and Morgan were almost completely broken down.

Everything from the yams, to the collard greens, to the baked Mac and cheese, to the golden fried chicken was too powerful for them to fight against.

The pair stuffed themselves to the point of comedic exhaustion.

They had no idea how it happened!

At one point they were just eating, and eating, and eating without a care in the world.

But before they'd noticed it, they'd unbuckled their pants and a fit of narcolepsy had snuck up on them like an unplanned pregnancy.

It was doubly surprising for Arias, who was functionally nothing but pure energy.

And yet, the itis proved itself undefeated in it's conquest of Avatars too.