"The nerve of him! To just make such an announcement and now hide his hands! Where has the heavenly faction fled?!"
Everyone was pretty much saying the same thing within the hallowed colosseum of the gods.
Why is the game over?
The notification came swiftly and without warning.
Every deity participating in the contest received a floating ledger from the White City, informing them that effective immediately, the game was done.
Not only that, but any travel to earth was expressly forbidden for the foreseeable future. A barrier had even been erected to keep them out.
The reason this was all possible was through a rule as old as time.
As the body with the greatest influence on earth, the Judeo-Christian Pantheon of the Bible is allowed to make certain decisions without consulting the other governing bodies.
And there was nothing that any of them could do about it- since they couldn't even get God's ear in the first place.