On Bended Knee

Nyx was humming to herself a forgotten tune from an empire long since dead. 

Her mood was rather jovial as she packed her bags for an extended stay on earth.

Nearby, Nemesis was watching her mother as she fritzed about the room like a fairy.

"You seem... unreasonably happy." She finally pointed out. 

"And what makes you say that?" Nyx arched a brow.

Nemesis just looked down at the plush toys that Nyx was packing.

"What, this?" She realized. "This is just a means to an end. My grandbaby is in dire need of new toys, and I fabricated the best ones I could find online." Nyx stuck out her chest with pride.

"Are you doing this so that you can attempt to win back her affections from Bianca's father?"

"Are you in my business?"

"I believe so."

Nyx just rolled her eyes as she continued packing.

Nemesis walked over to her mother's bed and sat down leisurely. She poked at one of Cami's toys to be that was still in the box.