
Most gods are jealous beings.

It's in their nature. They crave attention, worship, and validity from sources that they consider beneath themselves.

Praise is what fuels them.

And in the early days of creation, when only the oldest of the other primordials were aware of each other, Nyx was showered with praise.

Sure, these beings were all beautiful, but none were gorgeous like her.

She was the night that held them all together. So majestic. So sublime.

And then she and Erebus gave birth to two children.

A son, Aether. And a daughter, Hemera.

They were light. Wondrous, splendid, heavenly light.

Their very personalities were like warm summer days. Cheery and full of life and splendor.

The two were showered with praise from the moment they were born.

They were the perfect pairing. Glorious day full of possibilities, and heavenly sky to hold up the realm of the gods.