Precious Gems

Aubrey reappeared in the garden where Hemera and Nyx seemingly hadn't moved a single step since she'd been gone.

"I'm glad you're both still alive at least..!" Aubrey joked half heartedly.

Hemera didn't seem to find the jest all that funny. "Yes, well…" Her eyes suddenly landed on something in Aubrey's hand.

"Is that… hair?"

Aubrey looked down at the fistful of blonde locks in her hand and smiled sheepishly.

"Umm… maybe?"

The look Hemera was giving Aubrey practically doubled in suspicion.

"You wanted to see your son, right?"

Nyx took the hair from Aubrey and placed it on the stone flowerbed.

She curled her hand into a fist to produce a small, clear gemstone.

A misty, magical aura surrounded the gem as it sucked in the golden locks of hair.

It's color went from a clear shine, to a deep lemon-like yellow.