
My name is Agata Shehr. I lived a life that has its ups and downs. One thing I learned from it was that you can not be optimistic all the time and leave things to destiny.

No, things never go your way if you are not blessed. Just go and ask anyone and he will tell you how hard life is and how much they would like to have multiple girlfriends ahem ahem. So as I was talking about life, yes life is complex and mixed with ups and downs.

No one and I means no one can say that he is completely satisfied with it, because since the day we are born, our countdown towards death has also started.

Now religion comes into the picture for explaining the reasons and all that karma talk begins.

So what I observed is that people just want an anchor, a rope to which they will tie themselves to save them from the bitter truth that is, YOU ARE INSIGNIFICANT.

I used to be optimistic in my teens, then after my life became a mess I became a pessimist.

Why did I do that? Simple because it saved me from 'disappointment'. Well if you never get high hopes for anything then you will not be disappointed. I did the same. Well, let me tell you, that didn't go well...




I woke up from the slumber, that the Angel in my abyss, made me go through.

'What the... I can't feel my legs, also I don't have fingers and why is this so wet and I can't see, don't tell me...'

As Agata thought, yes, he was inside a womb. A Womb.

'Damn it all, why the hell do I have to become a sperm, can't you just migrate me into a 10-year boy or something like those fantasy novels or game novels which are popular nowadays on the novel websites'

(A/n: so MC can't talk and this is just his inner voice)

As Agata was thinking of ways to comprehend his situation, he noticed that since he is in the womb he will have to stay here for 9 fricken months!!!

Agata was in despair and misery, as his new life was already shit. Like who the hell wants to have consciousness in the womb? NO ONE!!! Yes, no one I tell you!

As Agatha's inner monologue was going on. The 'ding' sound nearly made h shit his pants, even though he couldn't shit, and hell he did not even have any ears, so how could he hear anything? Sounds without ears? Is this some type of lore-related myth?

[Ding! System Initiated]

[Hello, I am a gift from Sentient being and part of his soul, you can think of me as a system or a friend. From the knowledge I gathered from your memories, people who receive blessings from higher beings call it a system for ease]

Agata was shocked. What was this voice trying to say? Was it a system or not a system?

The shocking thing was Agata could hear this system's voice directly through his soul. Which meant only one thing.

"Yo! Are you part of my soul now like a built-in AI? So what's your name ?"

[I don't have a name, kindly name me, and yes I am part of you now and we are best buddies]

Agata could hear the girly voice of the system or soul fragment. The voice looked to be of a girl in her child's age or so. Which meant that she or her soul was a newborn.

"Call me bro from now on and yes your name shall be 'Pearl'"

[I love the name, bro!!!!]