Training & Changes

Dante was a simple man. He liked being lazy and not involving himself in other people's mess.

Dan always wanted a simple but fulfilling life. He wanted freedom and wanted to be richer to achieve his dreams of adventuring and enjoying the delicacies of the world.

In this life, he wanted to be free from relationships and at best only get involved in open relationships with women.

Now here he was sitting with a potential lover. He knew how she felt. She didn't love him but was fascinated or wanted him to be her anchor.

It could be good to have her as a lover but it would be a headache to get rid of her feelings in the future when he wanted to go solo and do what he desires with complete freedom. Women will become a problem in the achievement of his desires. He knew this from all novels he read and his own life experience.

"Snow, what you did in the morning was not appropriate. I told you not to enter my tent. Yet you disobeyed my orders. Not only that you hugged me and slept with me when I was naked. Why just why?" Dante looked at Snow with a confusing gaze.

"I had a nightmare about a battle that happened. So I thought you can help me. I was scared. I came and saw you sleeping. I just didn't know why I did what I did after that. I just wanted to hug you and sleep with you." Snow was blushing and looked like a little girl who is being punished for making a mess.

"All right I forgive you, but you should know someone saw you hugging me while drooling all over my chest." Listening until now made snow startled up in shock.

"Who saw us? I didn't do this on purpose I just felt comfortable near you and you are my hero and savior. I love you, Dante, you are my family now." Snow said with tears in her eyes. She was a little girl and was honest about her feelings.

"I get it snow, but you shouldn't hug me and sleep when I am naked. It gives a very terrible outlook to people who might witness it." Dante pats the head of Snow. He knew she was just attracted to him because of her insecurities and bad childhood with her father. She was too desperate for someone to love and care for her.

She found love and care from Dante and wants to never let it go.

"I felt very comfortable and warm when I hugged you. It felt like mothers embrace. I had the best sleep of my life." Snow explained her inner experience.

Snow looked at Dante with a pleading look and asked. "Can I sleep with you from now on? I promise I won't disturb you."

Dante opened his mouth in shock. There was silence for a few minutes while the snow was pressing her dress tightly with her little hands.

"Snow listen okay. You are a girl and I am a boy. Boys and girls cannot sleep together. There are rules in society. Why we can't sleep together? You should ask Sarah about it. She will help you understand the situation. All right let's go back for now." Dante patted Snow for the last time and moved towards the friends who were discussing things near the pond.

"Can I ask you something, Dante?" Snow gave a questioning gaze.


"Why do you keep looking at me while we were in wolf city? Is there something wrong? I noticed your gaze and also others did too." Snow was flushed when she asked that question.

"Oh that. It is because I think I love you. Does that answer your question hehe?" Dante caressed the face of snow with a loving smile that would bewitch anyone while saying seductive words.

Dante played a scum move. He wanted to get back at her for playing with his body while he slept.

"Huh...!?" The snow stopped in her tracks and was not moving. Dante moved away from her at a very fast pace.

'Serves you right...' Dan reached Razor and asked him to gather everyone.


Everyone was gathered now. Dante began to look over everyone.

Snow was flushed red while Sarah was blushing as well because she heard everything between Dante and Snow.

"First of all, I would like to tell everyone to care about other people's privacy. Do you understand Snow and Sarah?" Both of them looked at Dan with shocked looks.

"You both know what I am talking about. Kindly take care. Okay?" Dante smiled while looking at them.

"Yes, I will be careful from now on." Sarah was quick to answer while Snow just blushed, she was still lost in words that Dan said before to her.

"Alright, let's move on to the next topic. As you all know we cannot leave this realm unless we find a portal to return to the Continent." Everyone was listening carefully. While Dan continued.

"So we need to adventure in these foreign lands to find the way to go back home." Dante stopped while taking out a map that he bought from the system.

The map size was at least 3 meters long in all directions. He put it on the table and started explaining.

"I found this map near dungeon ruins. This is the whole map of this realm we are currently standing on. We are currently on the south side of the realm also known as 'Nature Territory'. It is controlled by Nature elves like Asterr Tekk and her tribe. There are more than 10 tribes in the south. All lands controlled by them are surrounded by forest and lakes."

Everyone was shocked by this knowledge and how big the realm was as compared to their thoughts.

Dante then explained about different Dungeons, Ruins, Inheritance grounds, and Aura mines to these companions of his and warmed them about the dangers of this world.

"Pay attention, we are currently very weak compared to the top powers of this realm. There are many AA-rank powerhouses in this realm. Currently, we are in the weakest area of all four territories. 5 if you include the high elves protecting the realm core trials in the middle of this world." Dante explained with complete seriousness and looked at the reactions of his fellow friends.

"So we need to capture realm trials and complete them to leave this place? That would take years or decades. Besides I don't think we have that high potential to become official Aurars or above that easily." Sarah was pessimistic about this situation of theirs.

"Don't worry. I will help in increasing all your potential. I have a very unique physique that can help me increase the quality of meridians of any person. This is top secret and I forbid you to talk about it with anyone other than people present here." Dante said with a smile.

"As expected of the master. Master can do anything that others can't." Elsa said happily.

Everyone present was shocked and wanted an explanation. Dante explained to them about the Aura core and realms of power in this world.

Aster was already knowledgeable about these topics and included Sarah as well.

Bella, Razor, Snow, and Elsa were new to this Aurar society and its implications.

Dante explained about Aura crystals, Aura mines, Artifacts, and other important information.

All of them listened to Dante for a few hours and then all of them wanted a break.

Dante gave the remaining food to Sarah for providing for others when they are hungry.

This food could last for a week easily. Due to it being an Aura food, the user doesn't need to eat for a few days. This was one of the perks of supernatural food. In the market, it would be 100 Aura crystals per plate but here they had hundreds of plates worth of food.

Dante has already completed 2 missions since he came to this realm. He had killed all cult members and achieved new skills. He also saved Aster from criminal elves trying to kill her.

"All of you listen up, Aster will stay with us until she becomes an official Aurar. She has decided to agree to some rules and will not cause any trouble for us in future. Her tribe is trying to kill her for being special." Dante looked at Aster with a smile.

"Aster is my friend and now our comrade. So everyone you should get along with her and treat her like family." Aster was beyond touched by the words of Dante and her affection increased once again.

[Aster Tekk ~ Affection: 83, Control: 80]

Dante didn't care about what Aster felt about him. He only cared about the control section which was good enough and she would most likely not betray him for as long they live in this realm.

"All right all of you. Finish whatever business you have and meet me at sunset in my tent. I will teach you about meditating and starting your path as an Aurar and strength. I will also take sessions with each of you to increase your meridian Quality beyond your limits." Dan waved his hand before continuing.

"Also we are low on resources right now. I barely have 3900 Aura crystals, 34 F-rank beast cores, and 1 E+ rank beast core. [Beast cores] are also called Aura stones. They can be obtained through natural occurrences or by killing Aura beasts. We will need to extract an Aura mine marked on the map. We can discuss that later when we are close to running out of meditating resources."

Dante stopped talking and moved away from the table. He needed to check all skills that he was going to provide his companions.

Everyone was now trying to digest all information that Dante had given them.

Dante went to his tent to take a warm bath and relax.


[Tekk City | Tekk Territory | Southern Forest]

The size of city was large enough to house more than a million people. The city was divided into 4 sections each presenting key locations of elders living in the city.

The chief was selected with support from elders and individual power. The current chief, Terra Tekk, was a big guy with a height of 2.5 meters and a handsome face. He was a burly and muscular man that looked like a bodybuilder. Terra was a Knight and official rank 1 at that. He could be said to be at C+ rank. Close to making a breakthrough.

Terra saw 3 Talismans break in his hand. He was sure that the people he sent to kill Aster were dead.

He had a disgusting look on his face which showed his disappointment in his followers.

"So they failed. No matter. That girl will most likely die if she comes here. I will not let her live for the future of my tribe."

Terra was confident in his planning. He had controlled everything in the city. The Tekk tribe had more than 10 cities under their control and he has complete control over 5 of those cities now. He had bought most of the elders in the Tribe and had a good amount of votes in the Assembly of the Tribe.

The day had already passed and the night was upon them.

8 elders came towards the mansion of the Chief of the Tribe with great anger.

The door opened and a woman with blue hair and black eyes entered. She was a milf and a great beauty with an E Cup chest and hourglass shape which was juicy and nearly breaking out of her clothes. Any man would desire her and would feel the heat in his lower parts if they saw her.

Elves were beautiful from the start but she was among the cream of the crop.

"My Daughter is missing !!!!" Shouted Claira Tekk with great anger and helplessness.

"Calm down Claira and tell me what happened slowly." Terra had a kind smile on his face. Everyone knew that it was all fake. They knew how he operated the tribe.

"She went to find herbs from a nearby lake. She hasn't returned and her life talisman is not showing her location. I want her back now. She is the future of our tribe." Claira was talking with great fervor to get help if possible.

She was also here to find out if Chief had anything to do with her disappearance.

"We will send scouts to find her. Dont worry. Come and sit here. Elders you can leave. I have already messaged scouts to look for her." Terra said while waving his hands toward the elders.

Elders all left after Claira nodded her head.

After only two of them were left in the room. Terra came close to Claira and embraced her.

"You know how much I love you Claira. I will never let anything happen to your daughter. No, my daughter..."

Claira in return hugged Terra while crying on his shoulders.

She could not notice that Terra had a wide evil smile on his face.


Dante didn't know why he said those things to Snow.

'Do I really love her?'

- You do like her because of her resemblance to your lover in your first life.- Pearl stated in his mind.

"Pearl I am still missing key memories as to why I died in my last life and what really happened to my fiance. I know I became a playboy after she died but I also know that in the end I never settled down with any woman. When will I get my full memories back." Dante was angry and disturbed at not getting control over his emotions completely.

-You will get them when you are ready to face them. So don't worry and move on.-

"Fine. I don't know if I love Snow or not but I do know that I care about her. Maybe everything will work out in the future. I will handle these feelings in the future. For now, let's worry about survival."

Dante didn't know why he felt attracted to Snow or why he becomes an idiot in front of her. He only knew that something was going on and he won't get complete answers for now. This was how emotions work after all.

[Mission Completed: 'Damsel in Distress']

[Details: Aster Tekk is a child of fate and has a great destiny in the future. Save her from bad guys trying to rape and Kill her.

[Rewards Obtained: New Lover Aster Tekk, 5x lev1 UT, 3x lv2 UT, 1x lv3 UT, 1x Insta Kill Token]

Dante was sitting on a cushioned mat and was beyond excited due to the reward he got from Aster's mission. He only cared about [Insta Kill Token]. Yes, this token was what he had always wanted.

The Insta Kill token allowed him to kill 1 person no matter who he or she was without any trouble. He could use it as a last measure for escaping enemies he can't beat due to lack of strength. This could also be a great deterrence force for putting fear in enemies.

'Brilliant reward. This will help me escape once from the dangerous situation that I will definitely face in this ancient realm.'

Dante was not sure what the highest realm of enemies was in this minor world. They could just be Rank 1 Aurars or there might be Rank 2 or even Rank 3 Aurars which he can not defeat for at least a decade.

Dan needed insurance when he is faced with a no-escape situation. This Token will come in handy for that type of scenario.

It was already sunset and he could feel all his students making their way toward his tent.

He was going to help them start their journey toward power and immortality.

Everyone came into the room and sat down on cushions that were bought by Dante from the system.

"From today onwards all of you will call me teacher when we you are training under me. I won't accept any disobedience from any of you. Do you understand?" Dante looked at his cute disciples.

"Yes, Teacher!!!"

All of them exclaimed with happiness and obedience.

Dante looked satisfied and moved on to the topic at hand.

"I have some very high-level techniques for you guys. You will become very strong if you follow my lead and directions. I promise you that no one in the same realm will be able to defeat you. Do you all understand?"

"Yes, teacher!"

"Good now let's begin with an introduction to Aura and Echo."

Dante began training his disciples and future forces that will shake the world.