Call me Brother

Dante was not a genius and he was not a guy who could do things out of nowhere. No, he was just an above-average guy with the system to help him sort out some unimportant things.

Even without a system, he might not be useless. He had a Devouring physique and was a Grade 6 Meridian.

The only thing that went bad was that his meridians were destroyed by the planning of his Uncle who wanted to take over Wolfsberg Dukedom.

Dan was lazy and just wanted a peaceful life. He was now a killer and hated a part of himself. He was now something he hated in his past life. He had to become a killer, a murderer for safeguarding his own life.

He refused to die in this life. He wanted to be free in the truest sense. Not bounded by any love, relations, or morality. He wanted to live for himself and achieve his innermost desire. His desire for carefree and peaceful life where he can do what he loves.

Dante looked around at his friends, his companions, and his employees. He wanted them to be free like him. To live a carefree and adventurous life he was going to live. He wanted to shape them in his image so that in the future he didn't have to abandon them for his own selfish goals.

"I want you all to live. I want you to become strong so that you can live alongside me. No matter what happens, no matter the situation, I want you to pursue living over dying for others. Do not disappoint me in the future by dying. I am going to invest my time, my heart, and my hopes in you guys. So promise me that you will live no matter what and if a situation comes where you die being a hero and live as a villain. Then you would rather choose to be a villain."

All of them looked at Dante with reluctance. They were happy that he cared about them. They were sad that he wants them to run when the situation is ugly.

"Look at me! Listen to me! Do you think the people you die for will give a damn about your death? No, they will move on and you would have died for nothing to your name. No one will even remember you after a few years. That is how this world is and will always be unless we succeed in changing it." Dante stopped talking. Everyone was quiet for a few minutes. He needed them to be clear about situations that will come in the future.

"I promise that I will live and stay by your side, Master. I will live no matter what!" Elsa was the one who stood up and started with all her willpower.

"I promise as well." Razor had nothing to live for other than this group of friends. He had his priorities straight.

After that everyone promised.

"Good. I am happy that you all agree with my vision. Don't worry, I won't ever do anything that will make you regret ever following me." Dante gave a very kind smile to bring a sense of hope to everyone and all of them smiled as well.

Dante had a clear goal. He would kill anyone who gets in his way. He will just do shady things in the dark without letting his comrades know about it. He wasn't a hero. No, he was a Revolutionary who is a Villain for the current hierarchy.

"So where were we? Yes! Meridian Quality. I will check all of your meridians with [Tri Detector]. This device allows the checking of meridian quality, Aura emission, and Aura capacity of an Aurar. It is a very important device for planning for breakthroughs through minor and major realms." Dante took out a device and it was just like an electronic tablet with a screen in middle. He used some of his Aura to activate the device.

"So this device has a special formation for detecting all things I told above. It needs 1 Aura crystal per detection for formation operation. Mostly all Aurars have this device." Dante gave the device to Sarah who was the oldest among the children.

Sarah took the device and a light appears on the device. It activated formation which caused a pulse of light to move from the tablet to Sarah. The pulse of light traveled through the body of Sarah and moved back to the Device. The Tri detector then started showing some numbers.

[AC=1, AE=0.5, MQ=4.15]

All of the available people were amazed by this new device that can do such wonderful things.

"All right guys, time for an info session. Here, AC tells us the Aura units of a person. Aura units are concentrated Aura that is collected within a Core of Aurar and this unit is used for releasing spells, hex, and knight techniques. AE represents Aura Emission and is basically the power of spells that Aurar have within released Spells. MQ represents Merdian Quality and Sarah currently has low grade 4 Meridian quality. Congrats Sarah, you are a great Genius in Aurar ranking." Dante explained the details regarding all information that was shown in the detector.

Sarah was happy and liked being called a genius. Sarah was a prideful and stubborn girl. She liked being correct and people listening to her.

"All right all of you need to use the detector. I will charge the detector using Aura crystals for all of you." Dante gave the device to all other members while charging with aura crystal for each status check.

All of them were pretty much similar in terms of meridian quality except Aster. Well, Aster was a Heavenly Genius.

When Aster checked the status the readings shocked everyone.

[AC= 7 Units, AE= 8, MQ=5.5]

"Nice potential you got there Aster. Congrats you are a genius on the same level as my sister. All of you don't be sad because of the low meridian quality. I will upgrade everyone's potential with my special physique and no one will be your match in the future." Aster was proud of herself and everyone else was also excited for their future potential increase as well.

"Um, Dan Dan you didn't show us your parameters using the detector. We want to see yours as well." Snow was excited about seeing their leader's potential and power levels as well.

"Sure little Snow. I will let you see them as per your wish." Dante charged the device and used it on himself.

What happened next made everyone open their mouths open in greater shock than ever. They thought they were genius but it seems they were wrong.

[AC=35 units, AE= 55, MQ=6.7]

"Wow, you have so high Aura capacity and Meridian Quality. High grade 6 Meridian quality. I don't think anyone has it in our whole Nature Territory. This is not possible." Aster was in shock and kept thinking about what she had seen just now.

"Wow. Didn't you say your sister was the greatest genius of the continent? You are far better than her." Sarah was now looking with stars in her eyes.

"I never said I was worse than her or anyone else. I just never stated my talent hehe." Dante was smiling in a teasing manner.

"Dan Dan is so cool."

"My master is greatest."

"No wonder you can use such unique techniques."

All of them were puzzled and happy while also being excited.

"All right, no need for such excitement. All of you will have a higher grade than mine soon enough. Just take it slow for now."

Dante then moved on from the current situation. He wanted to shock them even further.

Dante took out some Talismans that were 6 inches long and 3 inches wide with spiral formations engraved on them. He gave each of his followers 1 of them.

Dante had bought these talisman from the system store. The function of this talisman was to store information from different books and scrolls inside it and allow users to learn from them.

Dante bought this talisman for 500 SP each. He also bought more than 1000 books regarding all professions and training that were totally correct in knowledge. The system contained all knowledge of the world and that included all books in the universe as well. He asked Pearl to find him books that will solve most of his problems and allow him to become a scholar in everything.

The books cost him 50,000 SP because of the tier of books. All books were tier 6 information regarding all professions and lore of Aurar society.

Obviously it didn't contain anything regarding the truths of the world but they contained perfect knowledge with 100% accuracy proven by Aurar's experimentation.

"All right, each talisman in your hand contains all books and knowledge you will ever need. Beasts Encyclopedia, Herbs and Artifacts Information, and all professions guide up to tier 6 are included. From now on you guys will study from these talismans. This talisman has a feature of [Auto learn]. It allows you to learn anything with very fast efficiency."

Dante explained the function of a talisman. Aurars have a great memory that could be described as 10 times better for normal Aurars and 100 times better for geniuses.

He also decided to give them a skill called [Super Memory] which allows photographic memory and fast calculations during battles.

The skill cost was 20,000 SP since it didn't help much in battle and was a versatile skill to have.

Dante could not buy tier 7 or above information from the system. It was locked and he needed to become Rank 5 Aurar to Unlock it in the future, which was a faraway dream for now.

'Maybe after 30 years I will become Rank 5 Aurar and learn truths of the world.' Dante was excited about future adventures.

"All right I will conduct Meridian sessions for all of you. The talisman also contains your core techniques, sword technique, and movement technique. They are the same technique that I use but adjusted to not cause problems for you guys since you don't have a special physique like mine." Dante explained the next step.

"All right first I will help Bella in creating core and beginning her journey as Aurar. Rest of you leave for now and don't interrupt us." Bella stayed behind in the tent and the rest of the people left the tent.

The tent was pretty big and had space for 3 or 4 rooms easily. All furniture and other accommodation things were all expensive items that were bought by Dante for literally free if consider their value. Things were pretty cheap in system shops if they were not helpful in battle.

"All Bella you need to sit here on the cushion. Don't worry about pain and other things. I will not let anything happen to you. So be free from all worries and sit without doing any actions." Dante moved at the back of Bella and put his hand on her back.

He activated his special physique while Bella looked nervous. His Devourer physique at level 2 allowed him to change the fate of people and remove or add things to his and other people's bodies.

"Devour Impurity."

A spiral of darkness appeared on Dante's hand and it began targetting meridians from the leg and then moving towards the head.

This process of removing impurities and increasing potential was not pain-free. In this world nothing was free. To increase your power, you need to pay with blood and pain.

Bella looked in extreme pain but Dante told her to hold on. The session went on for 20 minutes and Bella was completely covered in sweat and black impurity that her body released.

"All right first session is done. We need to do this for 1 year. Sessions will be held every week. How do you feel Bella?" Before Bella could say anything she fell to the ground due to a lack of strength.

Dante took her into his arms and let her rest in his embrace.

After 1 hour, Bella woke up on his bed and Dan looked with a smile at her.

"How are you feeling?"

"I am okay. Can I ask you something?"


"Why are you helping me? You can always find someone else better than me..."

Bella wanted to know his reasons. She wanted to feel important to him. She felt a connection to Dan and wanted to know if Dan also felt it or not.

"Well you remind me of my sister and I feel comfortable around you. That is reason enough right?" Dante smiled while patting her head while she stayed in bed.

"Then can I call you big brother?" Bella wanted this for herself. She was very sensitive and didn't get much care from anyone other than her mother. She always wanted a brother.

"Yeah, call me brother from now on. After all, I think of you as my little sister." Dante caressed the hair of his half-sister Bella.

"Thank you. Brother." Bella cried tears after getting emotional and Dan just sat there beside her. To just be present there for her.

Bella Cutter was half-sister of Dante and that was the only reason he chose to save her from slavery. He acted like he didn't care but part of him was still human. He just didn't know this yet.

"All right rest here. I will check on Sarah next. She also needs a session for meridian purification."

After that Dan left the tent. Bella slept while sniffing the bed. She was not dirty and was sure Dan cleaned her up.

"It smells like a brother..." Bella slept happily while hugging a pillow that smelt like Dante.