a fresh start

'Battle angels? The creator?' Looking at the screen, Atlanta was confused as she didn't know what they meant. There were a few other guilds and agencies, but they were mainly in the other top two cities only few were in elite city.

She knew mostly all, and new one's couldn't have been formed without the resistance knowledge, as there were certain procedures they had to undergoe.

"The creator what do you mean?" This was the second time she'd heard that name, which made her a bit weary. The first was with Rhoin, but she'd shrugged it off cause he was well a bit too much for her but now that her surprise system mentioned it, she couldn't help herself but be curious.

[The creator is the entity who created the battle angel system bestowed into host and all other systems.] The male robotic voice spoke in her head.

"Entity.. like another being?"

[Correct] the system answered her, causing her to ponder who it was. There was only one name that kept on coming to her mind and that was Richard gene, as he was the one that made all of this possible. He was considered many things to many, and some even thought he was a god but he was just a mere man that made a difference.

"Could it perhaps be referring to Richard gene?"

[Wrong! The creator is not Richard gene.] The system immediately cleared her thoughts, making her confused the more. Since the founding of elite city, there hasn't been any signs or intrusions of other aliens if there were any, so she was finding it hard to believe what her system said.

[The creator is by far superior to all others so he secludes himself only his battle angels can meet him once they've reached a certain appointed level.]

Atlanta's brows widened a bit when she heard this, even the hairs on her arm stood up in confirmation of her excitement. Before she only had one quest to avenge her parents, but now she would get her desires and also something extra.

"You said I can meet the one that created you at an appointed time?"


"So when is the appointed time?" She eagerly asked. She hoped she wouldn't wait that long, cause she was too impatient to do so.

[Don't worry host will get her chance to meet the creator at the appointed time.] The system spoke again, causing Atlanta to frown a bit. She wasn't that patient to begin with as she was going through a lot, but it seems there was no way she would meet the creator soon.

"One step at a time.." She muttered exhaling out air. shaking her head, she decided to ask the system some more questions.

"So how does the creator look like?"

[Invalid! No one has ever seen the creator.]

"But he created you, shouldn't you have an image of it stored somewhere in your log or something?"

[All my existing logs had been cleared once I bonded with you only the one's with you now are being saved.]

"Well that's a bummer." She sarcastically said rolling her eyes a bit to the side, she'd expected to see some sort of info she could get from her system regarding the creator, but unfortunately all it's logs had been deleted.

"Well is there anything your useful for." She softly spoke, frustration written all over her face.

[My primary objective is to help host advance further and survive. Host can also ask me questions related to my functions or her profile to which I can answer if permitted by the creator.] The system uttered, which annoyed Atlanta the more.

'What's the point of a system when I can't even know stuff.' Calming herself down she stood up, she'd already known most of the skills description and the other things on her profile, so she was heading to the training department.

"What's your name?" She abruptly said.

[I do not understand what host is saying?] The robotic male voice tuned in her head.

"You know.. like a name that I can call you." It was weird calling her system system, so decided to ask of it's name.

The system remained quiet for a while which made her a bit worried, thinking she might've accidentally done something wrong.

[The creator did not give me a name.] It finally said after a while.

"What! now that's sad..."

"How about I give you a name?"

[If host wishes to do so then I cannot oblige.] The system said, making Atlanta contort her face a bit at it's cold and annoying attitude.

"Ok let's see... How about nova?"


"Yeah like in the movies. You do know what movies are right?"

[No I have no knowledge of this worlds customs, host has not given permission to access her mind and this worlds database.]

"Wait you can access my mind? Like read my thoughts and all that?"

[Yes! although my function is greatly limited because host has not yet granted the advanced protocol command which gives me access.]

"This Access, if I grant it will you be able to hack into stuff?"

[Yes. although I can only guarantee 20% chance it will work because host is still at weak stage.] The system voice contained a bit of sadness and anger at the same time.

"So you're saying if I advance you'll also advance with me?"

[Affirmative. The creator set my evolution path with the same as host so as long as you grow I'll also evolve along side.]

"Kinda like a win-win." She giggled softly. "Now where were we.. oh I still haven't given you a name."

"How about stellar?"



[Are you even trying?]



"What about Bas."


"Yeah as in battle angel system."

[It sounds to simple and cheap, I don't like it.]

"Fine you leave me no choice, am down to my final name." She was really bad at giving names, so she didn't expect a miracle to somehow happen all of a sudden.

"How about Nexus?" She hoped the system would accept it as she was out of ideas, it was Nexus or system.

[Nexus..] The system muttered it for a while pondering a bit on the name, after a minute the system finally spoke Atlanta's language.

[I like it! Nexus it is then.] Nexus said, causing Atlanta to heave a sigh of relief.

"Oh and permission granted for advanced protocol command." She said and Nexus acknowledged switching over command, she let him do his thing while she went to the training department.

Walking by she acted normal avoiding as much people as she could, most people would've wanted the spotlight on them but for her she was more of a shadow person.

Navigating her way through the building, she finally stopped opposite the door as she stared with complicated eyes.

"Departments of resistance elite squad training room." She muttered excitedly, never in her life did she ever think she'd be standing at the door to the room, where the best of the best resistance fighters trained let alone enter it.

'This is it.' Taking a deep breath she stretched her hands to the titanium wall, due to over excitement her hands were shaky along with her suddenly sweating.

'You can do this Atlanta get a grip of yourself.' She thought in her mind, trying to dismiss all the bad thoughts that clogged her mind like a dark fog.

"Move aside if you're just going to stand there." She was shoved to the side by a blonde haired girl, just a few inches taller than her. The girl a few years older than her scoffed at Atlanta's childish behavior, before entering into the room leaving an embarrassed Atlanta outside.

[Advanced protocol command complete! Access gained collecting the data of this world.] Nexus suddenly spoke jolting Atlanta.

"Geez, turn it down a little." Atlanta regaining herself spoke, her tone containing a bit of annoyance. She was still recovering from the shock from earlier, and her cheeky system had decided to add more salt to the injury.

[Sorry host.]

"And stop calling me host you can call me Atlanta." She was so sick of hearing Nexus call her host, like she was some sort of test monkey or lab rat. She knew Nexus was just following his commands, but still she preferred a normal conversation with her system.

[Of course Atlanta.] Nexus softly said going silent, taking a deep breath Atlanta finally mustered up the courage to open the door. Straightening her posture, she put on a determined face as she walked into the room.

"Woah." She couldn't help but mutter, seeing the huge and spacious room. different hovering chairs were lined up accordingly, with multiple sections for other pleasurable and relaxing activities.

"Are you just going to stand there or get in line. A brunette haired lady said. she had light skin, wearing a black leather jacket with red stripes at the edges black pants and boots. On her right hand was a strange black whip going down to the floor, her demeanor was calm yet feisty like a badass she was.

"Sorry.." Atlanta bowed slightly her cheek flushed a bit red, going back she managed to get in the end of the line.

'Damn freshers.' The grumpy lady in her early 30's thought, shaking her head she then continued from where she stopped before she was rudely interrupted.

"As I was saying, most of you may know me as lira and that's miss lira to you." "Congratulations to all of you here for completing the beginners program, the road must've been hard but that's where we separate the thorns from the flowers!" "You've passed top of the academy, and now it's time for best of the best pupils to be taken."

Her words sank into all the cadets ears, putting a sense of comfort and resilience to put more efforts. Atlanta just smiled awkwardly as unlike others, she didn't put in any work just like that she was given a special pass and here she was.

"You'll be given a maximum of two days to relax, but don't get comfortable cause immediately after your training begins." She boldly spoke, staring into the eyes of the students wearing the same clothing as her's.

"And trust me it wouldn't be easy at all." She smiled slightly, turning round and heading towards the door. Stopping at Atlanta location she gave her an awkward glance, scoffing a bit before finally exiting the room.

"Now that's scary." A teenage boy with curly brown hair broke the ice, resulting in a cheerful laughter from the group. One by one they began splitting up, getting acquainted to each other chatting off about all kind of stuffs.

'Will they notice me if I leave now.' Atlanta wasn't comfortable in the midst of people, it felt as if the air was being sucked out from her. She didn't think any of the students would notice her leaving, she didn't know anyone here and she sure wasn't going to try to, but what she was a bit worried about were the big five.

There were cameras set up everywhere, displaying directly to the tech department and the big five office, so they were basically watching her.

'I'll just sit here for a while.' She decided to stay for a bit to observe the surroundings, before she finally left. They still have today and tomorrow to relax so she was technically free for the moment, and she didn't think the big five would have a problem with that.

'Everything seems so calm.' Atlanta watched with wide eyes as the students exchanged numbers, eat and drink, and do all other silly stuffs to bond with one another.

[I am detecting an incredible amount of sadness rising in host.] Nexus suddenly said jolting Atlanta from her daze.

"Am not sad." She uttered getting up, she'd already seen enough and it was time for her to take her leave now.

[Your social profile is too poor, I would suggest you communicate more with others and make friends, to help purge sadness and depression promoting happiness.]

"I don't need any friends am better off alone by myself." She was already depressed and broken down when her parents died, and she didn't care about her social profile. She wanted to be avoided, and avoid as much people as possible.

"Hey Atlanta, wait up!" A male voice called out from behind.

"Huh?" She didn't know who it was, but she recognized that voice. Turning, that's when she could finally see Rhoin running towards her.

"I've been looking for you." He tried to catch his breath, finally reached Atlanta panting in huge amounts of air.

"What do you want?" She frowned.

"C-come on is that anyway to treat a friend." Rhoin chuckled a bit, which just made Atlanta frown more.

"I don't have any friends." Without waiting for a response she walked towards the exit.

"Hey! wait up." Rhoin tailed behind her he wasn't going to give in to Atlanta's cold shoulder, he just couldn't take no for an answer.

"Has anyone ever told you you have a grumpy temper?"

"Have anyone ever told you you talk to much."

"Yeah.. a lot most people even avoid me, some are even disgusted by me but I try not too let them get to my head. I know I can be troublesome sometimes but I just can't help it, you're the only person who hasn't outright shoved me away." Rhoin unusually laughed, scratching his head a bit.

"If you say so."

"So what brings you to the resistance? You know, like what's your story." He asked staring at her with glistening eyes.

"Nothing special the same as any other person."

"You're kidding right?"


"O-ok. How about I tell you mine?"

"Not interested."

"It started when I was just 5 years old, my parents discovered my IQ was far more advanced than many others, so I was put into special care from there I joined the resistance."

"As a kid I was constantly bullied and beaten but I always kept a smile, the main reason I joined the resistance was for a fresh start to be free, and show the world what am capable of." A bitter smile formed on his lips as he finished those words.

'Yeah.. a fresh start.' Just like him, she wanted a fresh start after she'd achieved her purpose and goals.