A new quest

'Bam!' Atlanta and Zion the female hunter shot forward with speed clashing at the center, their weapons slashed at each other the collision causing a loud bang.



The blue cracks from Zion's whip radiated at her taking 2 of her hp every second, as they stayed really close to each other in a stare down.

"Impressive.. you aren't dead yet." She smiled kicking Atlanta in the ribs, sending her flying into a scrape car. Atlanta didn't stay down getting up immediately, as she sensed Zion wouldn't stop to let her catch her breath.

'Bam!' Zion's fist collided with the car's door, creating a hole just moments before Atlanta dodged. Atlanta then seized the moment, fiercely slashing her bow like sword down at Zion's head.



Before Atlanta's attack could connect Zion's whip had moved with life, striking her in the guts sending her flying back midair.

"There's no way you're ever getting close to me child." Zion smirked stomping the ground, cracking it as she propelled her body forward slashing her whip at Atlanta.

"Argh!" The latter screamed a bit, feeling the electric shocks coursing through her system limiting the nanites functions greatly.



'Bam!' With lightning fast reflexes Zion kicked Atlanta across the chest, wrapping her whip around her. huge energy bolts struck her body making her scream, but that was the least of her problems.

Grunting a bit Zion lifted Atlanta in the air with her whip, using her strength as she forcefully slammed her to the ground creating a crater of about 3 meters.

'Phough! s-he's too fast.' Atlanta thought, staring at the female hunter approaching her with an evil grin. Even though she was still in battle frenzy mode and her stats were doubled, it still wasn't enough as she couldn't even land a hit on the hunter.

[HP: 54]

Her hp was getting low and she could also feel her stamina being depleted rapidly in this state, as her energy points were also going down before her eyes.

'What can I do..' Atlanta's mind spun fast on what to do, as Zion was closing the distance between them. She knew she couldn't fight Zion head on, so she had to think of a better plan to avoid Zion's whip.

'Wait..' looking at her strange purple energy bow she thought of an idea.

'What if..' getting up, she had a grin on her face as she put her little theory to test. Gripping the bow tightly she could feel the energy surging in her rapidly, then focused it transferring it to the bow glowing brightly. Purple cracks of energy surged around encasing her body, but it didn't affect her. no, instead it strengthened her.

'She keeps getting interesting.' Zion smirked, seeing Atlanta performing on a whole different level than before. She could feel the energy surging out from this teenage girl, causing her body to tingle with excitement.

"Finally, a worthy match." She smiled her eyes glowing a bright blue, as blue energy sparks emitted from her body and blue energy currents encased her, as her whip dangled fiercely on the floor.

"Don't hold back!" Zion yelled shooting her body forward with terrifying speed, reaching Atlanta in an instant. The latter also didn't stay still, slashing her purple energy down meeting Zion's whip head on.

The two attacks collided and for a moment the world seemed to have stopped, as the aftermath of the collision occured. A small ball of blue and purple storm energy formed, growing wider by the second as it got bigger reaching up to 7 feets high, and 4 feets long.

'Boom!!!' Like the sound of a great thunderstorm the attacks exploded, creating a huge blast destroying most objects within it's perimeter, sending both parties flying backwards.

"Ha-ha.." Atlanta's breath was shaky as her eyes struggled to stay open, she also suffered greatly as it took a great toll on her health points.


[User's regeneration process has been halved due to great amount of currents surging.]

Gritting her teeth, she struggled to get up under her wobbly legs. she could feel her stamina was really low, and even her energy had suffered greatly from that attack. She'd put everything in that blow, using a great amount of energy intending to end it quickly as she knew she couldn't beat Zion.

"Haha! I'll hand it to you kid, that attack was impressive but am afraid but am afraid it's still weak." Zion grinned slyly, still holding her blue energy whip as she shot forward for Atlanta.


Back in the resistance everyone watched with wide eyes seeing this scenario play off, as they had never witnessed anything like this in their life. Just a moment ago they were naive arrogant brats, but now their interest and self esteem has build watching this peculiar footage.

"She just passed the medium level, and hard level with ease!"

"Yeah what the fuck.."

"I knew it! she isn't human, she's a god! all must bow before her."

Countless rumors and talks surfaced, as they watched Atlanta's progress in the fortifier, as she'd completed both the medium and hard stage even unlocking a new stage.

'What the hell.. s-she unlocked a new stage.' The shocked expression was vivid on lira's face, seeing Atlanta unlock a new stage called hello stage. Never had she expected Atlanta to reach this stage, maybe she could complete the easy and hard but that was it. She never expected her to advance to the hard stage, complete it and break the record unlocking a new stage.

"Never in my life have I seen anyone like her." She muttered under her breath with the upmost stupor, seeing Atlanta fight insane battles. She wondered how and why she did it but alas, she couldn't grasp the situation as everything was still a mystery to her.

'How can she stand against a lv4 agility hunter?' Zain inwardly thought staring at his screen, his face perplexed. His team too were surprised seeing Atlanta reach this far, as they witnessed history happening before their eyes.


"What the-" Gin said in shock, looking at the holographic screen. Not only him but everyone in the big 5 office were shocked, seeing Atlanta's progress this far.

I-I can't believe she passed hard stage, and even unlocked a new one." Flora stuttered a bit, amazed by this teenage girl's personality.

"Something feels off." Kira muttered. This was a stimulation, so she had many possibilities on what could go wrong.

First, Atlanta didn't have an idea how things worked on the stimulation but looking at her it felt like she was a pro, relieving the moment. And second, she was weary of the battles she'd faced and conquered in the resistance, as they were high lv foes.

Even though she'd managed to kill a lv4 hunter in reality, they still didn't know the details of how it transpired as they'd gotten there after the battle.

'Could it be...' Kira had a thought lingering on her head, but she chose to keep it to herself.

"Hmm." Saber just grunted with a frown, trying to hide his surprised expression still staring at the screen.

'So this was what happened.' Zero smiled a bit staring at the screen, the wide grin planted on his face was unable to be hidden as anticipation filled his eyes.


'Fuck!' Atlanta tried to stand as Zion kept attacking her while she blocked, her strength very low to the extent she could barely stand. She knew that Zion wasn't going all out on her, seemingly toying with her but she still wouldn't give up.

[HP: 09]

Her health points were now very low, as Zion's attacks crashed with her. There was nowhere she could go or any defense to use, as even with her skill immunity activated Zion's attack still got through to her.

"You're weak child, but you can be something more. Why don't you join me and change sides? I can teach you so much more about your powers, and make you the best." Zion offered Atlanta, but the latter just shock her head chuckling a bit.

"I would rather die than join forces with a fucking hunter!" She screamed, slashing her bow with the little strength she had but it was hopeless, as Zion caught it with her bare hands then fired off a blue lightening blast from her palm to Atlanta's shoulder, causing her to scream in pain.


"Fine. Know that this will greatly pain me, but I will honour your wish." Zion smiled, her face showing great depression and a hint of sadness.

"I'll give you a swift death." She softly said, holding her whip tightly it surged with blue electric currents, as she then swung it fast at Atlanta's head.

'A-at least I saved them.' Atlanta wasn't scared about dying causing she knew this was just a stimulation, as she was still in the fortifier. And she was glad she got her parents to safety, even though she knew they weren't real.

Closing her eyes, there was nothing more she could do in this state as she accepted death until she heard a sound.

'Bam! Boom.' Opening her eyes she saw a figure standing there in front, Zion sent crashing into a wall denting it. Looking at the figure, she could see silver liquid substance encasing this human and her eyes immediately went wide, knowing what they were.

'Nanites.' The only person known to create nanites during the old times, were none other than Richard gene.

"Hope you're alright kid, I got here as fast as I could." Turning, Richard gave a soft smile to her as the nanites finally covered his face and entire body. Looking at him she was lost for words, as she stared in shock and uttermost disbelief.

"Haha! finally, the great coward Richard gene finally shows his face." Zion chuckled, stepping down from the wall cracking her neck a bit.

"Now that's rude.. couldn't you at least not badmouth me in front of my soldier." Richard smiled a bit, under his new silver robotic body made out from the nanites.

"Well well.. what do we have here? I see you spent your time playing on a new toy."

"This old thing nah.. you're making me blush."

"It's too bad it isn't going to stop me from finally killing you!" She shouted, moving with fast like reflexes reaching Richard within the blink of an eye, as blue energy currents surged through her.

"Rude." Richard softly said, and within the fraction of a second the nanites formed a small blade on Richard's left arm, extending up to 4 feets high.

'Phough. Phough!' Zion was stopped in her tracks, as Richard shoved the metal blade into her throat. He moved so fast that her eyes couldn't even see the attack, let alone block.

"Ha! You sly human, o-one day you'll get what's coming to you." Those were the last words Zion uttered, before she dropped dead to the floor.