Gander wade

'They're not moving.' Atlanta wondered why the hunters weren't moving, as she could clearly see they were alive. She didn't know how they managed to infiltrate the resistance HQ, going past their defenses.

'I wonder what happened to the big five.' She didn't know the condition of the big five, which were the leaders of the resistance. She knew they were strong but she didn't know how strong, and she also didn't know the capabilities of their unknown enemy.

"Rhoin.." she softly muttered, as Rhoin was frozen just like the rest on his knees. She wanted to go to him and try to connect with him, but she was hesitant. thinking about her next move carefully, as she observed the situation.

'Fuck.. I can't just stand here..' she was concerned as her body itched to move to find out the root of this problems, but she also didn't want to make a mistake and jeopardize the lives of her friend and others. Unlike her who was still standing and moving, others were in a null state. not moving, giving her enough concern already.

Nexus why aren't they moving.

[There are a few reasons, but the most plausible and reasonable one is they aren't real.]

'Huh? What do you mean they aren't real?' Atlanta raised a brow, concerned by Nexus words. How could her so proud, ever evolving system possibly say these hunters standing before her weren't real, as she'd clearly just been involved in a life and death battle.

[I mean they aren't real in the sense that they aren't hunters, but pure metal robots.] Nexus said, making Atlanta's face widen a bit and that's when it hit her. The hunter she'd fought just now didn't spill any blood when she hit it, and even when she kicked off his head.

Normally if it was a hunter she'd done that to blood would've undeniably spilled out, and in most cases causing his death.

'So you're saying their all robots..'

[Yes. And through the scan I conducted checking their datas, they have received orders not to initiate but just monitor.]

'Orders? From who?' She asked but didn't need not to look any further, as a voice spoke from behind her. Turning she could hear small claps echoing through the room, as a figure made it's way into the room.

"Pha pha pha! well well.. look what the cat dragged out the bag." The male stranger spoke in a deep and intimidating voice, but Atlanta wasn't fazed by his tone. Instead it was the opposite, as she was pissed and wanted to get revenge.

"Now now kid. I know you might be wondering how and why am here." He smiled, seeing she just stared at him emotionless. "I promise I'll tell you all about it. That is, if you be a good girl and help me out."

[Atlanta am senseing serious high threat levels from him, I'd advise you proceed with caution on this one.] Nexus warned to which she nodded a bit.

'Yeah, no kidding..' From the moment this strange man entered, she'd felt a strange feeling. She didn't know why but from just looking at him, his calm personality screamed murder and evil on the inside.

He had short dark hair, blue ocean eyes that was enchanting to all who looked at him.

She saw he wore a dark blue suit, that didn't fully cover his hard chest and rocking abs. His tight fitting black pants did well in outlining his muscled legs, gold and black shoes embroidered with different ruins on it. Apart from that, Atlanta couldn't see any other accessory on him.

"Oh my, am I that terrifying? I didn't mean to scare you that much." He chuckled with a teasing smile, that made the blood in Atlanta boil more.

[Battle frenzy mode: 44]

"First off, don't you ever call me a kid again. Second I don't care how and why you're here, all I want to do right now is rip your head from your body slowly. And third, why would I be scared of a dead man." She smiled, causing his face to contort into a frown as his expression turned more serious.

"Haha! I'll give it to you, you have grits and a big mouth. and as much as I would love to wipe that smile from your face, am not here for that." He said walking forward more, closing the distance between him and her.

"Enough." Atlanta calmly spoke, seeing him about 8 feets from her. She wanted to deal with this weird man, but she'd to consider some major factors. She couldn't just suddenly attack him as she was outnumbered, she was confident she could take out the enemies if she went all out, but what if he decided to interfere. She didn't know his power level, nor what scheme he had planned out so she decided to tread carefully.

"You're the leader right?" She asked, wanting to confirm her suspicions.

"Leader? ha.. I wouldn't put it like that but yes. I am the superior to this soldiers." He honestly answered with a light chuckle. "Now back to why am here.. I need your help."

"Am not interested, and I certainly don't work with strangers." She coldly denied his offer. There was no way in hell she was going to accept his offer, as she didn't trust him and she had already added him to her killing list.

"I understand your reservations. But I assure you that you can trust me, and to prove myself I'll tell you my real name. No, I'll tell you my full name." He mischievously smiled clearing his throat a bit, as if he wanted to make a huge announcement.

"My name is Gander wade, one of the people you wish you'd never met." He spoke in a deep dark voice, his tone containing malice and vile evil as he tried to act as ominous as ever.

"Not helping!" Atlanta shouted clearly not affected, and seeing through his little tricks.

"Most people would've been shifting blood right now, but here you are, still as arrogant as ever. Haha! you truly are the one, just like him." His eyes glistened brightly as he stared into her's.

'What does he mean by truly like him?' This was the second time, Gander had referred her to the same unknown person she had no idea who it was.

"You know you might look intimidating, but you sure as hell can't play the role." She smiled causing gander's smile to darken.

'Am going to attack now, I can't just keep standing here and stalling.' Atlanta thought. intending to attack as she'd planned to stall for a while, hoping the big five would miraculously show up. but unfortunately miracles don't happen to her, as her guess was right. they were caught up in some other business.


In the big five office few moments earlier, the room had suddenly gone pitch black dark as the lights went off. Startled they sprung to their feet alarmed, their senses heightened as they prepared for the unknown.

"Stick together no matter what." Zero instructed as they stayed in a circle.

"Haha! it's really pitiful to see how unworthy leaders you are." A female voice spoke, as the lights suddenly came back on. There in front, they could see a female wearing a black long dress with slits at the sides. She had red eyes long dark hair, and the most noticable feature was the two menacing silver coated robot hands.

'How did she get in?' Faiya was more than confused how this strange lady managed to pass through their defenses undetected, and even make her way into their office without being spotted.

'Fuck! why now when we're defenseless.' Gin cursed, as their weapons were just two rooms away. If only they could reach there, then he was confident they could defend themselves against this hunter.

"Let us grab our weapons and we'll show you how unworthy we are." Saber said with a frown, daring this unknown presence.

"Fools.. I wonder how you've managed to be undetected after all this years. You're all clearly unworthy of being called leaders. I mean you can't even protect yourselves now, so how do you even plan on protecting the others?" She scoffed mocking them, a sly grin planted on her face.

"You hunter! don't you fucking dare harm anyone. The fights with us." Flora shouted making the lady giggle a bit, amused and also intrigued by these people.

"Hunter? No am not a hunter."

"Bullshit! you clearly have traits of the damn barbarians!" Gin shouted.

"Look you hotheaded pig, am not a hunter.. those stupid wayward children don't compare to my level." She boldly stated, a bit annoyed by the fact they'd classified her as a hunter.

"If you're not a hunter, then what are you?" Zero who was silent all this while finally spoke, staring at the female.

"It's good to see at least one of you still have a brain.. anyways, if you must know am a primordial.."


"And not to mention you're whole evil speech sucks." A vein could be seen bulging on gander's forehead, as he was now clearly annoyed by Atlanta.

"I'll give you one more chance girl.. join me, and with your help we can create a better world." He offered her again but she just casually shook her head, already made up her mind.

"No thanks."

"Then have it your way." He shook his head with regret, as if he was sorry about was he was going to do next.

"Sentinents, destroy her." He ordered and upon receiving command the lifeless robots then moved, their eyes fixated on Atlanta.

"Finally.. let's get this party started." She softly muttered not waiting, as she sprung out to face the mindless robots.