resistance vs primordial

Atlanta lept across a wall, grabbing a sledgehammer and fiercely swinging it down on a female sentinent head. The attack connected, as the cold metal clashed against it's own kind. The robot's head was shoved into it's neck disfiguring her, as the center of her head caved in but she wasn't dead.

Jumping down, Atlanta intended to slam the sledgehammer to the sentinent throat but the robot blocked by lifting her arm up. Atlanta didn't care continuing in her attack as the hammer slammed into the robot, sending her flying back crashing into the wall.

'Bam! bam!' Atlanta heard two gun shots go off from behind her. Turning, she saw the same annoying sentinent with the strange gun aimed at her.


'I-it doesn't hurt?' She could see two gunshot wounds in her guts, with blood spilling out from the wound. She surprisingly didn't feel any pain when the bullets pierced her skin like she expected, as it was only the sound she heard.

'Click! Shit.' She heard the sound of the gun clicked, and she knew what the outcome was.

'Bang! bang!' She ran to the side avoiding the sentinent shots, as she hid behind a wooden shelf containing books?

'Why the hell would anyone keep this here.' She grumbled seeing books kept here, in what was meant to be the training room for the best of the best students?

'It pierced through the wall?' She could tell the bullets that robot used, was similar to the normal silver bullets used about a century ago. Those weapons from the past were labeled 'weapons of the fallen' in honour of those that had used them, as they were stored in a secure vault somewhere in elite city.

'It wasn't meant to do that.' She thought. Weapons of the fallen were considered fragile artifacts. Not in the sense that they could easily break, but their attack power and durability was nothing compared to the ones made now.

'Bang! bang! bang!' She ducked down, as multiple shots were fired at her from the sentinent. The wooden shelf couldn't hold for much longer, under the insane barrage of shots from the robot.

'How many bullets can that thing contain.' If she wasn't mistaken, she could at least count about 50 shell casings littered on the white floor.

'I can't stay here any longer.' The wooden shelf was now nearly completely destroyed, as all of it's upper parts had been destroyed reaching down to where Atlanta was.

'I didn't want to use this skill.' She gritted her teeth as she was forced into a corner, and she had to act very soon or else it would be the end for her.

'I don't have a choice.' Clenching her fist tightly she activated a skill, she could feel her energy surging in her. Leaping up some shots pierced her knee but she ignored the pain, her body descending downwards with her fist sent forward.

'Boom!' An explosion occured as a ball of purple energy formed growing bigger in an instance, covering a radius of five meters.

'Zzz! zzz..' The strange electric current hummed in a static tune as the zaps hit the sentinent, sending waves of electricity into his system.

'Bam! bam! bam!' The robot fired off shots aimlessly as it malfunctioned, it's head twisting uncontrollably with sparks of little flames emitting from it.

"Just die!" She shouted a bit, activating seek and sending out her fist to the robot's neck, with it protruding out the back. Using her leg she then forcefully shoved the sentinent body to the floor, wiping her hands on her tattered and bloodied uniform.

'They aren't attacking me.' She could see the sentinents just standing there staring at her, their attacks halted.

"Don't you dare hold them back, I haven't finished yet!" Atlanta enthusiastically said grinning, as she locked eyes with gander who just had a smile on his face.

"You've managed to kill more of my sentinents in a short period of time than anyone has." He chuckled a bit shaking his head in pity.

"Why do you choose to side with these humans?" Gander uttered. Looking at Atlanta, he just couldn't figure out why she chose to join sides with the resistance as she was meant for so much more. He could see through people, but Atlanta was just a blank book he couldn't read.

"I have my reasons.." she softly spoke her guard still up.

"Do you even know what you are?" He suddenly asked, as he could see Atlanta's expression changed a bit.

"Of course. Am a member of the elite squad resistance fighters." She boldly declared.

"No. Don't try to play dumb with me child, you know what I mean." He frowned seeing she was toying with him. He knew she understood what he meant when he asked that question, but she'd chosen to act dumb about it.

"I know that you've felt it. The current sudden changes in your body, the new energy coursing through your veins." His mouth drooled as he intensely glared at Atlanta, his eyes filled with excitement.

"Eww.. now that's just creepy." Atlanta muttered, disgusted and creeped out by the way gander stared at her now. at first she'd thought he was some strange boss that had appeared, and his calm attitude further proved her suspicions. but now, she could tell he was a deranged psychopath that was a thorn to her.

"You're a fool if you think you belong with these humans." Gander spoke with a frown, annoyed by the fact Atlanta had chosen to join forces with the resistance.

"Why? Because I chose the right thing? Do you know what those fucking hunters took from me? How many blood and lives were shed?" Her tone got a bit higher with each word as she voiced out her pain, anger vividly written all over her face.

"Hmm.. indeed I know everything, but everything you've faced is your destiny."

"Destiny? Are you really seriously going to play that card." She angrily said, rage coursing through her veins hearing that word. She didn't believe in destiny, fate, and all those horseshit, as it was the same line of destiny that made her lose everything she had.

"Fuck destiny! there's no such thing as fate and all that crap. We right our own chapters and live our stories, so don't ever say it's my destiny to be alone! The hunters took everything away from me, and am going to repay the favour by doing the same to them and all who formed alliance with them." She pointed forward to gander, her eyes had now become blood shot red with cracks of red veins.

"Haha! now you're finally starting to see the bigger picture. There is no such thing as destiny, we write the pages of our lives with our own hands." Gander laughed too hard as he clenched his chest, feeling the effects of laughing too hard.

"The hunters did kill your parents and made you into this but in truth, I would say they were helping you.."

"Why don't you cut the crap and face me you coward!" She screamed stomping her foot hard to the ground, cracking it as she shot her body forward. The gap was closed in an instant her fist sent forward, but before it could connect with gander's head two sentinents had stepped forward, blocking the attack.

[Battle frenzy mode: 75]

Annoyed she activated energy blast channelling her energy to her legs, purple cracks of electric currents formed around her legs crackling intensely. Not wasting time she slammed it to the robot's guts, the small ball of purple energy was created growing bigger within two seconds.

'Boom!' It exploded, sending the two sentinents back with purple electric bolts electrifying their system. Atlanta using the momentum ran at their bodies in mid-air, sending out fists, kicks, and all sorts of strikes not giving the robots a chance to regroup.

[Battle frenzy mode: 87]

Activating power punch she punched multiple times at a sentinent right arm, it's hard body wasn't a match for Atlanta's energy packed punches as it's arm fell to the floor. The other one by her left held her on the shoulders, sending out a knee fast to her chest.

[Critical hit!]


"Argh!" She softly grunted feeling some bones broken, as stinging pain struck her heart. She could suddenly feel her chest become heavy, as if a trailer was placed on her heart.

"Is that all you got!" Atlanta screamed, activating energy blast 4 times directing the energy to a single hand. Her left hand glowed purple as her energy coated her arm, purple cracks of purple electric spiralling about waiting to be released.

'Boom!' A much louder explosion than the rest went off, as her fist impacted with the robot's chest. This time the energy didn't form a ball instead it burst out, blasting in a straight line completely destroying the sentinent chest going up to it's head.

'Thud!' What remained of the sentinent fell to the ground dead. She dodged a fist from the disfigured machine going to it's back, then performing a hammer strike fist downwards at the sentinent head.

'Boom!' She activated energy blast 4 times and the same thing happened, as the energy blasted out from her strike hitting the robot's head and even going down a bit.

"Face me!" Atlanta challenged gander, who hid behind the three sentinents shielding him.

"You've managed to kill 12 of my sentinents, impressive.." he applauded her with a soft smile. "But you're still fighting on the wrong side." He spoke again shaking his head a bit.

"Think about it, ever since you went on the last mission with your friend sole. Why the sudden call? Why did the resistance send only him to fight a lv4 hunter, huh? There are enemies more closer to you than you know it." Gander softly said, making Atlanta stop in her tracks stunned as what gander spoke as it hit her in the head.

"No.. the resistance would never do a thing like that. Y-you're just trying to get in my head!" She shouted charging forward, already activated energy blast multiple times.

"Fool.." gander softly muttered as he waved his hands. A small object then appeared in his palm, to which he threw to Atlanta. The object then materialized into a silver shield, seeing this Atlanta didn't stop but instead punched forward at the shield.

'Boom!' The blast occured but this time she was affected, as she was sent flying in the air a few feets backwards.

'Bam!' She crashed into a soda machine destroying it.

[Multiple bones in user's body has been broken!]


She struggled to fight through the pain and stand, but all she did was add to the injury breaking the bones more. Raising her head a bit, she couldn't see gander or any of his sentinents both destroyed and functioning.

"Remember Atlanta, not all your friends are really your friends." Those were the last words she heard from gander, as his voice trailed off into the wind.

Meanwhile back at the big five office.....

'Boom!!' A loud explosion occured making the room they're in to shake slightly, like it was just hit by an earthquake.

"What was that?" Flora panickly asked tugging on to faiya's arm.

"An earthquake?"

"No. That was definitely a blast." Faiya corrected gin, recognizing the sound of a blast explosion.

"Argh. Just how many of them are they?" Gin angrily spoke, annoyed they were invaded in their own territory.

"I'll kill that hunter.." Saber grunted, caressing his neck a bit as it still hurt. The others glanced at him awkwardly for a while, but refrained from their words.

"Everyone, stop talking and grab your weapons." Zero's voice interrupted them, pulling them out from their thoughts as he feared something was coming.

'Boom!' A small explosion occured, as the wall besides them was blown completely away. The figure of a female approached through the huge hole, an evil grin planted on her face.



"Time's up." Zelina grinned, her cherry lips pursed upwards.