lv2 zombie

[Quest received!]

[Kill a thousand zombies!]

[Reward: new title, penalty: ???]

'Huh?' Atlanta was a bit stunned seeing a quest suddenly popped up in her view. Reading it, the system stated she kill a thousand zombies. She didn't know if the system could count the numbers of zombies here as they were excess, but it didn't matter. she was going to kill every single one of them.

'It didn't state a penalty.' Atlanta raised a brow seeing the system didn't put a penalty, but she didn't want to find out either.

'Why aren't they moving?' Mira wondered looking at the zombies just standing there, staring at them emotionlessly. She'd expected them to attack them like the mindless creatures they were, but for some reason they didn't move aware of them.

Out from the hoardes of zombies a single zombie then stepped forward. Looking at the male zombie, they could see it was a bit different from the rest of the zombies as most of it's limbs were intact, except for the huge hole in it's guts.

[Quest received!]

[Defeat the lv2 zombie!]

[Reward: 2 level up, penalty: death]

'Two quests?' Atlanta was taken back a bit, by the first sudden quest that popped up in her view. It was a daunting task but Atlanta felt she could complete it, without much harm. But seeing the second quest suddenly pop up, made Atlanta question if truly she could really do the impossible.

The menacing creature then grinned creepily smiling at them, displaying it's rotten teeth with some piece of flesh and blood in it. The undead then gestured by waving his hand front, as ten zombies ran forward towards the group.

Mira already had her hands stretched out ready to fire off at the incoming threat, but Atlanta signalled her not to.

"Leave this to me." She softly said, and Mira was a bit confused why Atlanta had decided to suddenly play the hero card, but she didn't question her sensing she had her own reasons.

"Fine, but don't die." Mira smiled to which Atlanta returned, nodding to sole who was still hesitant but still reluctantly agreed.

"Be careful! and remember don't get scratched or bitten or you'll be infected." Zain said to which Atlanta softly nodded. Turning her face contorted to a frown, seeing the zombies approaching.

[Battle frenzy mode: 45]

Running Forward, it didn't take long before she caught up with the zombies. She then sent her fist forward to the nearest zombie, not activating power punch intending to solely test her strength.

'Bam!' A small bang sound occured with her fist going through the undead head, protruding out the back.

'Woah.' Atlanta was a bit stunned, seeing her fist easily go through the zombies skull like hot knife cutting through butter. She then kicked the dead zombie away, sending his body flying back fast crashing into some zombies.

Seeing how much her raw power was this effective, Atlanta had a grin on her face staring at her preys. She could now kill the zombies without using from her energy points, and she could always activate immunity for protection which required battle points.

Going to the next zombie she avoided it's attack, sending a kick to it's gut not holding back at all. The attack connected with a small bang, as the creature's upper body was severed from it's lower body. The zombie upper body dropped to the floor, but it wasn't dead yet still crawling towards Atlanta even with it's guts scattered everywhere.

'So they won't die without their intestines.' Atlanta had expected the zombie to die without it's intestines, but she was wrong as the zombie was still very much alive.

'What if I destroy their hearts?' She wondered what would happen if she attacked their hearts.

'Wait.. do they still have one?' She didn't know if the zombies still had hearts, but she wasn't sure yet as she hadn't checked. And she didn't feel they needed hearts, since they were technically dead.

Ignoring the crawling zombie, she ran to another zombie without arms. The zombie tried to bite her with it's rotten teeth but she dodged, sending her fist to it's chest particularly it's heart region.

'They still have their hearts.' She was a bit stunned as her hand went through the creature's heart, drawing out a strange darker red coloured blood.

'It's still not dead.' She could see the zombie wasn't dead as it still tried to bite at her, but she ended it's life by slamming the latter hard to the ground turning it's body into a pulp. Having confirmed what she wanted Atlanta didn't hesitate anymore, finishing off the remaining zombies quickly. She then looked over to the zombie in front, staring at her with intriguing eyes.

'Growl.' The creature growled slightly, giving out a command as twice the number of zombies charged towards Atlanta. She just shrugged as she didn't wait for the zombies to reach her location, already moving out.

"Is she trying to get herself killed." Sole panicked, seeing Atlanta stupidly charge towards a group of 20 zombies. He knew she was strong and fast but still, he knew it was madness to charge straight at the flesh eaters.

"Don't worry about her.. she thrives in the snares of death." Mira softly chuckled staring at Atlanta go. She didn't know why, but it was like Atlanta and death were best of friends as it always lurked around her. But somehow, she still found her way out from it.

"What the hell do you mean! She's going to die for sure if she keeps this up." Sole retorded, annoyed at Mira's words.

"Look, I don't know how long you two have been friends but I've known her for a long time, and I know she can handle herself." Mira angrily uttered, causing sole to frown more as his blood boiled.

'Her speed, it's reduced.' Zain noticed the reduction in Atlanta's speed, as she wasn't moving as fast as before. He'd expected this outcome a lot sooner, but it seemed like this weird girl was stronger than he thought.

Meanwhile Atlanta could feel her stamina was running low, as she was constantly moving avoiding the zombies attack and sending her own. She had the upper hand but still, the zombies relentless efforts were just unimaginable.

'Shit.' She slipped in her attack as she fell to the floor, the other zombies seeing the opportunity didn't hesitate inching towards her. But before they could, Multiple lightning bolts striked their skulls killing them as Mira appeared besides Atlanta.

"Idiot.. you could've gotten infected or worse died." Mira clicked her teeth helping Atlanta up to her feet.

"Sorry.. I thought I could handle them all but guess like am nearing my limit." Atlanta lied. The main reason she'd wanted to kill as much zombie as she could, was the next screen that appeared in her view right after the quest.

[Zombies killed: 15/1000]

It was 0 before she killed the first zombie, as it then moved to one. She knew it was a status bar, the system provided her with on her progress with the zombies. She wondered why the system didn't count the other zombies she'd killed, as it would definitely had made the task more easier.

"Atlanta, are you alright? You didn't get injured or anything right." Sole worriedly asked examining her body.

"Am fine, am fine.. seriously, it was just a slight mistake." Atlanta shrugged, trying to dismiss their attention from her.

"That slight mistake could've cost your life, there's no point in being the hero if you died like a pig." Zain butted in with a frown. "If you get bitten I promise I'll be the one to end you." He softly said staring into the eyes of the others.

"And the same goes for the rest including me. If anyone of us gets bitten or scratched, don't dare hesitate to kill the link." He paused for a moment, staring front looking at the hoardes of zombies in front.

"A small sacrifice is required for the greater good." He said in a grim voice holding the plasma ray handgun.

The zombie at the front had a creepy smile watching the group, it's dead eyes staring at them lifelessly. With a loud growl the other zombies then charged forward to the group, their Jaws dropped as their teeths clattered together waiting to taste human flesh.

"Shit! we're fucked." Sole's expression turned pale, seeing all the zombies now charging straight for them except the one who was their leader. He knew they were definitely screwed, as they couldn't take on the hundreds possible thousands of charging zombies.

'Bang! bang!'

The groups attention were drawn back, as they could see Jack and tippy charging forward. Jack then threw both his axe forward as they spinned fiercely, severing the heads of the unlucky undead creatures before returning back to his hands.

"Well don't just stand there!" Jack yelled running past them, swinging his axe at every undead creature he saw. Tippy also had his hands held out, trapping some zombies in his energy cage clenching his hand to a fist. the energy cage then grew very small, cutting the zombies limbs one by one.

"You heard the the kid. Attack!" Mira yelled, shooting off lines of purple lightning bolts towards the zombies. Sole and Zain didn't also stop blasting at them, collecting new one's from Atlanta.

"Tippy I need a favour." Atlanta softly said, walking over to tippy and whispering some words in his ears.

"What! A-are you sure about that." Tippy exclaimed upon hearing Atlanta's request, which sent shivers down his spine.

"Yes.." she softly said to which tippy nodded still reluctant a bit. Running forward, Atlanta headed for a group of about 15 zombies by the left. She could see tippy's energy cage materialize, encaging them together.

This was Atlanta's little favour she'd asked tippy, as she told him the amount of zombies she could take.

"What's she doing?" The others seeing this were shocked at first, but seeing Atlanta handle them with ease gave them a bit of relief.