1. Shiba is the cold blood person I ever meet

Meanwhile, Shiba was going back to find someone who are going to have fun with the member who are looking for him to fight with some bad guy person who had a hard time with him.

Shiba: get lost both of you

Kanemura: thank you for staying here with me what is your name?

Shiba: just call me Shiba and here take and help me to get everyone here for you and don't worry about me I will be okay

Kanemura: Shiba...please help some members out from here

Shiba: sure of course and you get cover because I want to get some explosive something up

Kanemura: okay sure I will get some cover-up

Right before Shuba was throwing some TNT bombs and she can see this cold blood person who are happy for killing some part of the thing of the object.

Shiba: are you satisfied now

Kanemura: Shiba...can I come out from hiding now

Shiba: yes you can come out now

When Kanemura was coming out from her hiding from behind the walls and she can see that Shiba was finished killing the bad guy person while others are seeing the man full of bloodstained in his clothes.

Kato: what the hell is going on here?

Shiba: great now you came out from that thing behind you right, Kato!!

Kato: why did you know my name?

Kanemura: like we said that he knows everyone's name just by looking at them or maybe their faces

Before they were turning around they see that he was gone later the Agent came here and see that someone had killed them which is it was Shiba aka cold blood person to do this to the bad guy person.

Agent Tamura: where can I find this guy?

Kanemura: oh he left me something that you can find him from here and take this

Agent Yuta: thanks for the note and come on Agent Tamura let go and ask him why did he kill them

Agent Tamura: sure of course I will and thanks again Kanemura are you okay?

Kanemura: I'm okay but are you sure you want to go and find him are you?

Agent Yuta: we don't have any choice are we

Kanemura: okay but make he didn't kill other people

Agent Yuta: what did you mean by that?

Out of a sudden, both agents can be heard outside from the Hinatazaka dormitory but while they are going outside and they look at Shuba who was killing only the bad gut with his bare fist and he stops while he had finished it.

Shiba: well both of you are here looking for me don't you?

Agent Tamura: yes we are but how did you know that?

Shiba: that wasn't important right now but there is someone you need to catch

Agent Tamura: sure what it is name it for us

Agent Yuta: Agent Tamura what are you doing with him?

Shiba was taking out a silent gun straight at Agent Yuta's chest while Agent Tamura was giving something to him for some next mission on his to-do list only for Shiba aka cold blood person mission.