I walked down a valley with a friend

It's getting dark and there is no shortcut path

We need to go back home

On my side was a steep high hill

We cannot climb it

Our home is above that hill

Across a flat road

Something came to the rescue out of nowhere

It's a brown animal with a smooth skin

It's speaking with that masculine voice

It made me ride on its back

Together with my friend

I am just lying flat with my stomach on its back

Holding on it while it's galloping

I thought it was a horse as big as a horse

But I saw its head with many branches

It has many branches like a deer

Above its head were many fine green leaves

So I realized it is not a horse

It continued talking to me with that soft voice

Introduced himself, giving its name,"SYANGAS"

It's a dangerous road and it's getting dark

I felt that the man behind my back is evil

So I kicked him out from its back

The evil man fell on the road

I left him behind on his own

"Syangas" carried me higher through the steep hill

It found a path along the hillside

Until we came on the top safely

And we part ways as I arrived on the flat surface

I crossed the road going home

Going down a little through a village

I came home and told them about it

The place is like an orphanage

Many children lived there

But they are not blood related

And the two of them fell in love

Making them a good couple.

-Anne Patino

(March 20, 2023)