I was walking back home from the market, yesterday, when a teenage girl approached me, hurrying, chasing me. She said, " Can I talk to you about MOTHER GOD. I am a theologian student..."

And I cut her off, telling, "No.."

I talked in my mind, "I believe there's no mother God, only Father God."

And the Lord answered, "How about you? What do you call yourself?"

"I am a Mother."

The Lord and I exchanged words, and finally I realized he was right! I, sometimes, cannot believe a thing.

And he said, "Believe it first by yourself, convince yourself first before you convince others."

It was 2nd time actually that I met the same thing, but it was many years back, I think it was 2010 or 2011? (Not sure) Young girls surrounded me out of nowhere somewhere in the Taft area. And they were so happy and giggling while telling me this, "DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE'S A QUEEN OF HEAVEN?"

They were all cute pretty girls.

I shook my head, I don't believe them.

I hurried my steps to get away from them after receiving their pamphlet. And I just threw it away afterwards without contacting them.

"You are different from the rest," my spiritual guardian spake.


I already stopped playing ML, my spiritual guardians warned me before. They advice, "You should not play that kind of game."

I was just lured to play because of a kid, playing with his elementary classmates too before (2018-2019). And I imitated their trashtalks too, imitated their actions.

Everytime I watch a movie/series, the Lord would warn me like this, "Just don't imitate them. Don't take it seriously."

The other day, I thought about a bad event, and I said in my mind, "I'll change that." But Father God corrected me, "Don't CHANGE it. It's my WILL. The written Prophecy should be fulfilled."

A spiritual voice said, "You can change anything but not the one that is written in the Prophecy."

Everything shall come to pass as written.

I want to write something but the Lord stopped me, he spake, "Don't write it. Humans will misinterpret it. They tend to misunderstand ..."
