July 28, 2023

A girl is walking together with his father and mother along the road.

They arrived at a house full of their relatives.

They sat inside in a circular seating arrangement.

Next, her mother criticized her badly in front of them all.

Then, she defended herself by saying, "IT'S ALL LIES!"

But her mother kept on nagging, complaining loudly.

And she said once and for all, "MY SALARY GOES TO YOU!"

Next, the whole room went dark, the power shut off, it's brown out!

She abruptly went outside, to stay away from them.

She walked away, going home alone!

While walking away, she still heard the loud voice of her mother, echoing from afar, talking with the others!

Next, she arrived at a crossroad, with two roads to take.

The first road was the old road she always took.

And the second road was a new road she hardly knew.

She decided to try to walk on the new road, the second one, to test whether it's much better there.

She saw young kids walking there. She followed them too.

However, somewhere on the near end, the road is so steep, it is uphill.

The younger ones climbed up and up, but the way became dangerous.

The way is not concrete anymore, it's a rough road, an uphill, that as they climbed higher to the top, the ground looked shaking as well.

It was like it's going to have a landslide upon reaching the top. She wanted to reach something to hold on to the trees or the like,

so that she won't slipped downhill.

But, she figured out a solution. She closed her eyes, and visualized herself going to another route.

Inside her head, she returned at the beginning, on the crossroad and made another choice again.

At this time, she chose the old path, the first road!

And instantly, she was brought on that road like magic!

She walked on it, however, two long concrete bridges appeared on the way.

There are left and right bridges, set side by side. The left bridge is higher and the right bridge is lower in elevation.

She chose the right bridge, the lower one and continued walking.

But, then, upon arriving at the middle, the bridge narrowed that even her small body isn't fit on it.

If she forced herself to fit in there, she might be squeezed too much, unable to move or maybe she cannot go out anymore.

She hesitated to go on at that point, she stopped and looked around.

She saw two men walking above on the left bridge!

They are familiar to her, they were her schoolmates in College. They're wearing shiny jackets with bright colors!

The two men are Engineers, one was taller and the other one was medium height.

They all saw her in that dilemma.

They decided to help her to reach her hand going up.

She moved backward to search for a lower distance so that she could easily climbed up.

The smaller man moved forward in front to reach her hand while the other taller man was on his back, assisting them.

She raised her other feet first and reached the hand of the man, trying to climb above with them.

Next, she was on the road going home already.

There were many people along the road, and there are many foreigners!

Most of them are standing along the way looking like KOREANS!

And they are wearing denim pants and black leather jackets!

They looked rugged, with silver necklaces around their necks like rock stars!

They are drinking alcohol and they looked like gangsters!

Things has changed! It's different than before!

The place was like a RED-LIGHT DISTRICT!

Afterwards, she heard a male voice, like a narrator in the background saying, "THE FIRST ROAD IS THE BETTER ROAD."