I arrived at home safe and sound around 6am after 3days traveling with little sleep.

However super strange thing happened to me in the plane while we're about to land.

The airplane just hanged on air for few minutes, and my eardrums ached due to AIR PRESSURE, it's my 1st time to feel that pain, too painful.

I traveled 4am to 5am that day, back home.

Next, a male invisible voice told me, "PRAY THE OUR FATHER". So, I prayed within my head, and he said, "Again!" I PRAYED the 2nd time, and he said, "Again!" I PRAYED the 3rd time."That's enough!"

"Call for help!" He said.

So I called, "FATHER HELP ME."

Then, I saw the heaven, Father and the angels.

Next, I heard Father, "HELP HER!"

I saw in my mind a vision of a flying creature like a woman outside the airplane. I strike her using my mind.

"BEGONE SATAN!" I said as the Lord instructed me to say.

"It's FINE now. IT'S OKAY NOW."

"A DEMON IS HERE, bastard!" A male voice said. "WAIT, WHEN WE LAND ..."

Next, the airplane landed successfully on the ground at last.

But before that happen, I saw a strange male foreign passenger, a white man with curly hair and black hat!

He was smiling weirdly like an abnormal child, so I said, "WEIRD!" inside my head.

He looked like nearsighted, I think!

Next, I heard an invisble male voice telling, "WARNING!"

It's a strange travel!

I tried hard to avoid him as we went off, as the angels have told me.

Around evening as I slept at home, I dreamt of the past.

Next, in the end, I saw a divine being in white like an angel. He was speaking about a certain group who are CURSED, "...they are hated in schools, universities,..."


November 1, 2023