Two long hours pass by before someone enters the room that Nick and I are in.
The person who enters the room turns out to be a guy with short blonde hair.
/"Nick, we have to go practice/" he says
What?! No!
I have never been on this side of town before and I accidentally left my phone in my backpack which just so happens to be inside of Harper's car...
How am I going to get home?!
Nick turns to face me, an unsure expression on his face.
/"Do you want to watch us practice? We're practicing a new song/" he asks then proceeds to try and persuade me
I nod my head at his offer.
Listening to them practice a new song sounds like a way better idea than sitting in this room alone.
The three of us exit the small red room and make our way towards the stage once again.
As we reach the stage I realize that Harper is nowhere to be found.
Hmm...I wonder where she went.