/"So, it's been a week since Harper left/" Brynn says as she turns the page of the fashion magazine that she is reading
I hum with acknowledgment.
/"Yes, I'm aware Brynn as I was the one actually there/" I tell her
Brynn does not acknowledge my statement.
/"How are you feeling? Do you miss her?/" She pries
I furrow my eyebrows at my blue haired best friend.
/"Of course I miss her, Brynn,/" I say as if she asked one of the dumbest questions in the entire world
/"That's like me asking you if you miss Grace or not/" I state
Brynn surprises me as she lowers her magazine from in front of her face.
As my eyes meet her facial expression I soon realize that the expression is that of slight annoyance.
/"Why yes, Rosemary, I do miss my girlfriend!/" She hisses
I am taken aback as the blue haired girl suddenly stands up from the couch that is hidden in the corner of the library that we are currently sat on.