/"Cute outfit/" I hear my best friend say as she approaches me
I am wearing a loose, flowy white dress that ends around my mid thigh area. The dress is covered by a lilac and cream colored flannel that I chose to leave unbuttoned.
Along with this outfit I am wearing a pair of black doc martens, my ginger colored hair resting over my shoulders in soft waves.
Even though it is the middle of November, when I checked the weather I saw that it was a warmer day than usual.
With that information I dressed for it, not wanting to risk sweating through a shirt or constantly shivering from a sudden drop in temperature.
Brynn takes a seat in front of me, careful not to roll her ankle in her wedges.
/"I could say the same for you, miss fashion major/" I joke
Brynn expressed her interest in fashion design and merchandising to me and her parents during our sophomore year of high school.