


I slowly awaken to my body feeling incredibly stiff.

Ugh! I must have slept in an odd position last night, again.

I try to sit up only to realize I am in someone's arms.

Not wanting to freak out just yet I reach over to my bedside table, feeling around for my glasses.

Thankfully it does not take me long to feel the sleek frames of the glasses.

I bring them towards me and slide them over my nose.

The first this I notice is that the person who has their arms wrapped around my body is Harper.

Of course!

Ugh! That was so obvious!

The constant coldness of her body should have been a clear indicator.

I roll my eyes at my lack of common sense.

I carefully slide out of the vampire's arms, being able to do so quite easily.

Once I am out of her arms I sit up on my bed, taking a moment to stretch my body, before standing up and making my way towards my bathroom.