


Rosemary’s POV

I groan as to turn over only to have my body burn everywhere with pain.

Ugh, fuck.

Note to self, never rile up a horny vampire.

Especially if that horny vampire is my mate.

/"Rise and shine, beautiful/" a cheery voice says as they enter my bedroom

The smell of bacon enters through my nose causing me to open my eyes so that I can stare up at the female vampire.

/"Fuck you/" I groan out

Noticing the plate of food in her hands, I try my best to sit up.

I have to move slow in order to feel the least amount of pain as possible.

/"But we did last night,/" she teases

I glare at her as I finally sit up in my bed, resting my back against my cold headboard.

/"Plus you seem like you're in way too much pain to possibly go again/" she says with a smug smirk

I flip the vampire off as she places the place of food on top of my lap as well as a glass of orange juice on my night table.