/"Heat?! No, I can't possibly be in heat!/" I continue to pace in front of the vampire who is sat on the end of my bed
/"I'll admit that I wasn't sure if you were at first, but once I noticed the signs I realized that I had to tell you/" she says
I stop pacing and turn to face the girl.
/"What signs?!/" I continue to freak out
She raises an eyebrow at me.
/"The horniness mainly, but also the decrease in energy/"
/"What?!/" I voice my thoughts
Harper nods her head.
/"I understand, but-/"
/"You said that I wouldn't go into heat until a week from the- the night that I was marked,/" I cut her off
She nods once more.
/"I was marked a day ago, Harper!/" I continue to freak out loud
She tries to grab ahold of my hand, but I quickly start to pace in front of her again.