Chapter 13: Kindred Minds And Broken Hearts 

Rocco's Bar, Parking Lot, Unknown Location, Baltiney, New York...

  After some time, Misty found herself awakening in the passenger seat of the man known as Richard's car to find that he had been standing outside in the pouring rain. He didn't seem to mind getting soaked as he had his back to her and tried his best to keep her from figuring out at last that he'd been answering the call of nature as he held his impressive-sized cock firmly in one hand and whistled a bit for lack of anything better to do aside form wait for his urine stream to finally end. Misty smiled as she had gotten quite a glimpse of what he'd been trying his best to hide but to no avail. She thought it sweet that he considered her when he stood outside relieving himself. The older man shook his cock a least twice before tucking it back inside his trouser slacks and washed his hands in the rain before opening the door of the car and climbing back into the passenger seat. Misty had not taken her eyes off Richard since she awoke and watched as he fished out his bottle of booze and drank some down before turning his attention to her and the sweet smile that filed across her face.

"You're all wet," she said reaching over and wiping some of the rainwater from his brow.

Richard had been about to protest but her insistence gave him pause.

He could feel the warmth of her hand as she wiped the cool drop away and their eyes met for a moment and no words passed between them.

She seemed so small up close and it only served to make him all the sadder for her. His dark eyes had made her sad in turn as she wondered what he had gone through that would make him so hell-bent on drinking his life away. He was a curious case, middle-aged with no wedding ring or family to speak of as she observed him while she got him cleaned up. She had inadvertently climbed over the seat and into his lap as she wiped away the excess rainwater and Richard groaned at the added weight to his lap.

She heard him hiss as she leaned back onto the bulge in his trousers and he took in the scent of her briefly before attempting to remain as gentlemanly as possible. He was fighting a losing battle as he felt his cock rise for the first time in years. Misty heard him moan at the sensation of her weight on him and elected to stay straddled onto his lap.

"M-Misty..." said Richard unsure of what to make of this turn of events. This had not been his intention when he invited her into his car to get out of the rain but he couldn't deny that she'd gotten him excited.

"Shhh," said Missty placing a single index finger against his lips.

Their eyes met and the sound of their rapidly beating hearts coupled with heavy breathing filled their collective ears.

Richard looked at the beautiful young woman and he felt as if he'd been back in high school again as she ran her hands along his suit-clad chest and loosened his tie. Before they knew it, their lips locked and Richard found himself given to the folly of his youth as he squeezed her shapely ass as she ground her petite young body against his rapidly engorged cock.

"Fuck..." he hissed loving the feel of being wanted as she managed to unbutton his shirt and rid him of his jacket.

Misty seemed to delight in his enamored expression as he kissed her lips and gripped her ass with zeal. There was a strangely magnetic pull between them, one that she had not accounted for in her dreams when she'd been thinking of him.

"I-I don't have a condom," said Richard knowing all too well that he had spoiled the mood due to logic.

Misty simply unzipped his slacks and fished out his enormous cock. He groaned as she stroked him with her lovely warm hands barely able to get both around it as she began to want him as badly as his cock indicated that he wanted her.

After another series of heated kisses Misty slowly pulled down her panties and parted her legs wide enough to fit him inside. Richard hissed as she impaled herself onto him and gripped her tight young ass as he grew to want more of her. She'd been the first since his wife and that was after five long years of drowning his sorrows via a bottle of booze and awakening in many a strange location blocked from chasing skirts via whiskey dick.

Richard's mind took him back to Amanda and their random sex romp in high school that led to her being his girlfriend and his massive reputation boost. He thrust upward as she began to bounce on his cock, as he leaned the seat back and held her in place via his large hands that still squeezed her backside as she kissed his neck and exposed chest.

Being joined by Richard by way of their bodies had done something to Misty as well, as she found herself unable to look away from his deep sorrowful eyes. She couldn't explain it, but she had sensed he'd been in a good deal of pain despite his reluctance to speak of it. He had begun to note the same in her as she clung to him moaning with each thrust that filled her with his enormous bare cock as she did her best to take his mind off his pain as he had been doing for her from the moment they met.

She didn't know what came over her as she rode him with reckless abandon knowing full well that he had been without protection, but she rode him bare anyway, he'd been the only one of course aside from the bastards that had their way with her back home. Richard's grunts and groans filled her ears and they seemed to make her happy as he gripped her tighter taking it all in via the sensation of having a beautiful young woman in his arms once again.

He had not known why, but as they were joined he felt a good deal of her pain and loneliness as she clung to him moaning in his ear as he thrust inside her. He'd never imagined feeling as close to someone as he had Misty upon a causal second meeting but for some reason, she was as close in her agony as he'd ever gotten with anyone including his ex-wife.

Her breasts bounced with her movements and he groaned as he felt his cock twitch for the first in years, he had been sad to see their act come to an end when he grunted in her ear and thrust forward one last time unable to hold back or pull out despite his concerns about not using a condom, to begin with. She felt so warm and wet and good along his formerly unused cock and he had no intention of letting the moment pass without relief at the most basic level.

He felt Misty clench and moan as wave after wave of her release coated his cock and he rode out the waves along with her.

Lust-fogged minds began to clear and Misty found herself pulling away from him and shuffling into her clothes. The rain had stopped briefly and she had not recalled what it was that came over her as she made a point to fix her attire and take off without a word as Richard scrambled to get her to stay. She'd been the first woman in years to see him through his erectile dysfunction and now she'd taken off without so much as a backward glance.

"MISTY!" she heard Richard call after her and the slamming of the car door as he attempted to chase her amid the rain only to lose her in an alley.

Misty huddled beneath the rain catchers and tried her best to make sense of her actions. She'd been inexplicably drawn to Richard but had been unable to process her having sex with him in his car when she hardly knew him aside from two encounters. While she got what she wanted, she had not wished to get too close to him as he'd been a good man and she was just another streetwalker that no one wanted in life.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she wiped them away amid the rain and turned her attention toward securing a client for the evening avoiding Rocco's bar altogether knowing that Richard would be looking for her if she bothered to return.