
"So, This address should be around here somewhere." Kira spoke as she turned the wagon towards an abandoned industrial area.

All the wagons came to a stop as soon as they saw, an old Factory that was in ruins.

"What is this ?" Anon asked with a smile as he jumped off of the wagon and summoned a cigarette into his hands.

He lit up the cigar and strated walking towards the factory.

"Hmm... Who is going to receive the order at such a stupid spot ?" Kira asked with a Confused expression.


Suddenly, The gates of the Factory opened up and a young human came out of the factory.

He had black hairs and Blue eyes.

"Hello, Gentlemen... I am Mr. Lui and You must be Mr. Danny... Right ?" The young man spoke with a smile as he raised his hand in front of Anon.

"Yes, Mr. Lui..." Anon spoke with a smile as he Shaked hands with Lui.

"So, Where is my stock ?" Lui asked with a smile.