
Anon is now standing inside Jiu's cave and casting some spells on the ground.

"Hmm... That's a burning spell isn't it ?" Damon asked with a smile.

"Yep, fries up anything that enters into this circle.

That one turns the ground into a swamp of mud and pulls down any living thing to hell." Anon spoke with a smile as he pointed towards the other magic circle.

"What's with that one ?" Damon asked with a smile as he pointed towards the biggest circle.

"That one is for... Well, Total destruction. If some stupid guy stepped into that, it will trigger a bombardment spell and every living thing in a 300km radius will be wiped out of existence." Anon replied with a smile.

"Woah... You are really taking this serious. What if they accidentally Stepped into it ?" Damon asked with a serious expression.