
"Please come in... The sun is going down and we will have dinner in a bit. Please Join us." Alder spoke as he looked at Athena and her grandmother.

"No, I want to fight him first." Athena spoke as she pointed towards Anon.


Suddenly, Arthera hitted her on the head from behind with her cane.

"Ouch-Ouch-Ouch... Grandma, What are you doing ?" Athena asked with a confused expression as she rubbed her head with both of her hands.

"Did I not teach you manners ? If they are asking you for food, you should accept it nicely.

Why are you asking someone to fight you right away ?" Arthera spoke with a slightly angry expression.

"I-I am sorry, I-I will eat the dinner but can I fight you after that ?" Athena asked as she looked at Anon.

Anon didn't speak anything and walked back into the mansion with a silent face.

"What's wrong with him ?" Athena asked with a confused expression as she looked at Alder.