Adeline is in her Dragon form and Anon is sitting on her back.
As they were flying towards mansion, something entered inside Anon's mind.
"Luv, Drop me here for a bit." Anon spoke as he pointed towards the Royal Castle of Human Kingdom.
"Dear... Where are you going ?" Adeline asked with a confused expression.
"I have some work with Derein, So I will be taking a short break there and then I will come home and fuck you.
So, you can go home after dropping me on the Royal Castle." Anon ordered as he patted Adeline on the head.
"As you command dear but please come back fast... My pussy can't wait anymore." Adeline spoke in a Perverted tone.
"Don't worry, Luv... I won't make it wait much." Anon spoke as he jumped off from Adeline's back and landed over the Royal Castle's roof.
As soon as Anon landed on the roof, eight black dressed Assassins appeared all around him and pointed their swords at Anon.