Ch 36: Satoshi Harada(2).

As Haruki heard those words, his heart raced, and a surge of caution washed over him. He eyed the man in white warily, as if he had stumbled upon a grave danger.

What the heck is he talking about? Is he trying to get rid of me?

The teenager quickly stole a glance at the two burly men seated before him, already formulating an escape plan. If he had to face them one-on-one, maybe he had a chance. But if they decided to gang up on him, it would be game over. They were too huge...

"No need to be so on edge, I won't do anything to you," Satoshi noticed the boy's reaction and reassured him with a smile. "Like I said, I'm just giving you a ride to school."

"Why the sudden act of kindness, sir? Does your car run on water?" Haruki instinctively moved further away from the man.

"You have a sense of humor. But no, it's simply because I wanted to have a little chat with you," the man admitted.

"As one of Ken's friends or specifically me?"

"Well, you're the one who seems closest to our Kentaro," Satoshi pulled out a file from the briefcase at his feet and began perusing it. "A few days ago, I sent someone to gather information about Ken, and he discovered that Ken usually hangs out with three kids around his age. Naturally, I was curious to know who had managed to befriend my guarded son so quickly."

"Let me guess, the guy in the black Mercedes?" Haruki asked.

"Someone's quite perceptive," Satoshi was even more impressed.

"Nah, it's the person you sent who couldn't do his job properly."

"Is that so?" the man pondered for a moment before nodding. "Then I don't need incompetent fools like him. Thanks for letting me know."

Did... Did I just get someone fired? My bad; Haruki thought.

"Let's focus on the matter at hand, which is you. I did a little background check and stumbled upon something quite intriguing. You're Akashi Fukuda's son, which further piqued my interest."

"What does my father have to do with any of this?"

"Let's just say I'm well acquainted with his side of the family. A lovely woman his mother is," Satoshi casually flipped through the file in his hands. "And then there's your mother, Maki Fukuda. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to uncover her maiden name. It seems to be a well-guarded secret. She's quite the mystery."

Really? Even Haruki was taken aback.

"You also have an older sister, Ayame Fukuda. Currently overseas, correct?" Mr. Harada glanced back at the teenager with an arched brow.

Haruki frowned. "Alright, you've proven how creepy you are. So what now?"

"My proposal remains the same. Or perhaps, let me change it up a little," Satoshi tossed the file back into his briefcase and leaned against his seat. "Convince Kentaro to come back home. I'll keep my promise and give you the money, and everyone will be happy."

"And if I refuse?"

"I'll make your family's life a living hell."

Haruki raised a disdainful brow. "Didn't you say earlier that you weren't going to do anything bad to me? You really are disgusting."

A flicker of annoyance crossed the man's face at that remark.

"Even so, I'll go with option three," the teenager added nonchalantly.

"And what would that be?"

"You can shove it."

Satoshi sighed and wearily rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Why are you making this so difficult? My request is simple."

"Simple to you. Honestly, how self-centered can a guy be?" Haruki sneered.

The man stared at him, and then his gaze abruptly dropped to Haruki's concealed hand—the one holding his cellphone.

"Your phone has been buzzing for quite some time now."

Haruki tensed.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" Satoshi smiled.

The other person had hoped that by keeping the man engaged in conversation, the faint buzzing sound could be drowned out. But to Haruki's dismay, Satoshi's ears were quite sharp.

"I wouldn't want to be impolite," the teenager responded stiffly.

Satoshi shrugged, "It sounds important. Please, don't mind me."

Well, I do mind! Regardless, Haruki reluctantly raised his phone to check the caller ID.

Of course, it had to be Kentaro calling at a time like this!

He hesitated for a prolonged moment before finally answering the call.

"Seriously, dude? I'm almost there," Haruki's voice unintentionally lowered.

"You've been ignoring my texts."

"I got distracted."

"Where are you?"

Haruki contemplated lying but immediately regretted it when Satoshi Harada unexpectedly interjected.

"Don't worry. You can tell him the truth," the man urged with a smile.

Kentaro seemed to have recognized the background voice, his tone turning icy in an instant. "Who was that?"

Letting out a sigh, Haruki confessed, "...Mr. Harada."

Silence lingered on the other end for a few seconds before Ken instructed, his voice frosty, "Give him the phone."

As if the man in white wouldn't be pleased to converse with his son.

"Well, this is unexpected," were Satoshi's first words as soon as he placed the receiver to his ear. "I seem to remember you telling me that you didn't own a cellphone."

His smile remained intact, but Haruki couldn't help but sense the suppressed anger seeping through. It wasn't as friendly as before.

"It seems you've found quite interesting company at your new location," Satoshi continued, his gaze fixed on Haruki, who involuntarily shivered. "But didn't we agree that whatever happened at the mansion, stayed at the mansion? How is it that I'm hearing certain details from someone else?"

He'd screwed up. Haruki was more than aware of this fact now, the more he listened to the man's words. He couldn't make out Kentaro's side of the conversation, but Haru definitely regretted confronting Satoshi Harada earlier. His reckless action had already exposed how Kentaro had shared his family's secrets.

Of course, Satoshi would be furious.

"Don't be so anxious; I was merely giving your dear friend a ride," the chairman concluded, a hint of menace in his voice. "What harm could I possibly do to him?"

You were just threatening my family a minute ago; Haruki thought. Satoshi exchanged a few more words with his son before finally returning the cellphone to its rightful owner.

"Did he do anything to you?" Kentaro asked anxiously as soon as he heard his friend's voice.

Haru stole a cursory glance at the man in white, and replied simply with a, "Let's talk when I get there. We're already near the school's corner."

After a few more reassuring words, Haruki ended the call and turned back to Satoshi, who regarded him with a strangely intrigued expression.

"He truly seems to care about you," the man remarked.

Haruki responded with a dismissive click of his tongue. "And?"

"I find it quite fascinating, which also piques my curiosity about something... But it's best not to mention it. I could be mistaken."

Then why bring it up in the first place? Haru almost rolled his eyes.

As the car pulled over just outside the deserted schoolyard, Haruki couldn't contain his relief. He quickly reached for the door, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he stepped outside. Just as he was about to walk away, he heard a voice:

"You won't succeed, you know."

Haruki spun around, ready to retort, but faltered when he saw Satoshi's serious expression through the partially open window. It held a hint of challenge.

"You really think so?" he finally asked.

"Kentaro is my son. Naturally, he belongs by my side with the rest of his family," the man declared.

"Says who? Nothing binds... him there..." Haruki trailed off, realizing that something felt off about his words. Gradually, he came to the realization that no matter what, Kentaro would inevitably return to the Harada mansion, even if he didn't want to. His mother's presence made it unavoidable.

One day, he would have to go back there for good.

"Even so, I'll find a way..." Haru's voice barely rose above a whisper. He wasn't sure how he would do it, but he felt compelled to voice his determination. "I'll help save them both from you."

Satoshi scoffed, and after giving the teenager a final glance, he instructed his driver to be on their way.

Haruki stared after the departing white sedan, his mind filled with a mix of complex emotions stemming from the encounter.

"I'll find a way," he reaffirmed to himself before finally heading toward the school entrance.


In the vicinity of the gates, Haruki noticed his ginger-haired friend in a state of distress from afar, restlessly pacing back and forth. It was unclear how long Kentaro had been lingering there, anxiously waiting for him. Right as Haruki was about to call out to the other, their eyes met, and Ken swiftly approached him with determined and rapid strides.

"Whoa, slow down there. You look like someone who's just recovered their—" Haruki's remark trailed when the person who had already covered their distance embraced him tightly, looking as if he'd never let go.

… lost treasure.

Completing the joke to himself, Haru blinked dumbfoundedly. He stood there, caught off guard by the sudden gesture, uncertain whether to return the embrace or remain frozen like a statue. The unexpected action had left him momentarily disoriented.

He and Kentaro had hugged more times than he could count in the past, yet in this moment, Haruki's heart pounded so wildly it threatened to burst right out of his chest. His heart seemed to be speeding nonsensically a lot these days, and it always had something to do with Ginger being near him.

In the end, Haruki slowly raised a hand and awkwardly patted the other guy's back, as if comforting a child. He had no idea how else to react, or how to calm his own racing heart. He even feared the other person could probably hear it.

Kentaro had practically shot up from the little kid Haru had first encountered in a park almost three years ago, and it seemed after his fifteenth birthday more than a month ago, he'd hit yet another growth spurt. The current him was the same height as Haruki, if not slightly taller already. It was only a matter of time until Ginger completely outgrew him.

"You're trembling," Haruki muttered, having finally found his voice.

But Ginger didn't say a word.

Haruki asked him, "Were you that worried?"

"Are you really okay?" murmured Kentaro in response, posing his own question.

After sensing Haruki's nod, the ginger-haired teenager reluctantly let go of him. Kentaro scrutinized his friend's facial expressions and proceeded cautiously, asking, "Did he genuinely not do or say anything bad to you?"

"A few nasty threats here and there, but I'm good," Haruki answered honestly.

However, Ginger became furious. "He threatened you?!"

"They were just empty words as a last attempt to get what he wanted," Haruki quickly assured him. "There's nothing he can do to my family."

Kentaro appeared helpless as he expressed his concern, saying, "If he brought up your family, there's a possibility he might—"

"Then let him. Let's see just what he'll be able to do," interrupting with confidence, Haruki interjected, wearing a reassuring smile. "Honestly, there's no need to worry. Nothing bad is going to happen."

The younger teen hesitated, his mouth opening as if to speak, only to close it again, unsure of what to say. Eventually, he averted his gaze from Haruki's eyes, leaving one to wonder about the thoughts swirling within his mind. But one thing was clear, this entire situation bothered Ken.

And he wasn't the only one.

'Didn't we agree that whatever happened at the mansion, stayed at the mansion?'

As Satoshi's words echoed in his mind, Haruki's teeth clenched tightly. He felt an inexplicable surge of anger and guilt, the mere thought of those words intensifying these emotions within him.

"I'm more worried about you," his voice was lower than intended, but it still grabbed Kentaro's attention. "I shouldn't... I shouldn't have confronted him like that. He knows that you shared your secret now, and probably won't let you off. I'm sorry."

"Oh that," Kentaro scratched his head, emitting a dry chuckle. "I'll likely receive an earful when I return home, won't I?"

Haruki could tell his friend was trying to be optimistic, because in truth, an 'earful' would be the least of their concerns.

In a few days they'd be officially graduating from middle school. If Kentaro returned to Asahikawa after that, would he even be allowed to return to Ichihara? After what happened today, Haruki was already doubting that possibility.

And Ken's expression seemed to say he was also thinking about the same thing.

"Homeroom's probably already ended," Kentaro began, heading towards the direction of the school gates. "We should head to class before..."

He trailed off as a warm hand grasped his wrist, dragging him to a halt. Looking up, he met Haruki's determined gaze, his brows furrowed.

"I'll find a way," Haruki suddenly pledged, the third time he'd uttered those words that day.

Kentaro didn't need to inquire about the meaning behind these words; he already understood. His heart grew warm, and he adjusted his hand to intertwine their fingers, giving Haruki a genuine smile. "Alright, I'll hold you to that."

Haruki couldn't help but notice the fluttering sensation of his own heart. He couldn't comprehend why it kept happening, but the sight of their interlaced hands had never felt more right than in that very moment.

It was as if they were making a promise that no matter the challenges they faced, they would find a way to overcome them together.


"Any orders, boss?"

Satoshi Harada had his hand propped under his chin deep in thought, when one of his men suddenly spoke up. It was the person seated in the passenger seat.

The man in white didn't respond for a very long time. If it'd been any other lower class pest he was dealing with, taking care of them would only require but a single word.

But this Haruki Fukuda kid didn't seem so ordinary.

Akashi Fukuda's background alone was already impressive, but what was the deal with the woman named Maki? Satoshi had failed to dig up anything useful concerning her. All records relating to her dated from her time as a married woman alone; nothing about her family background or her maiden name.

Everything about her situation seemed a little unsettling.

This level of meticulousness in identity concealment couldn't be taken lightly, since it meant that the woman was from a very influential background. Satoshi didn't want to think about what would happen if he suddenly targeted the child of such a person.

"Do nothing," he spoke, massaging his throbbing temple. He was at a loss, grappling with the weight of his mounting stress.

But he knew he had to do something about Kentaro before things went too out of hand.
