Ch 39: Set Date.

Witnessing his friend's bewilderment, Kentaro couldn't contain his amusement any longer. He erupted into laughter, a contagious, sidesplitting guffaw that even Haruki, attempting to maintain a serious façade, couldn't resist joining.

"This...This is serious, you know?" Haru managed to say amidst his chuckles.

"But did you have to give me that look?" Kentaro playfully tapped his cheekbones, trying to compose himself. "Ah, my face..."

While his friend collected himself, Haruki finished off his snack and then confronted him directly. "So, that was your second reason? You joined because you liked someone?"

"Pretty much," Ginger nodded.

"That's so unexpected," Haruki mused to himself. "Who was it?"

Avoiding eye contact, Kentaro replied, "It's obviously a certain someone married to martial arts."

Realizing he was the one being referred to, Haruki's ears turned a deep shade of pink. He gave his friend a playful shove and clicked his tongue in mock annoyance. "Really, dude..."

"What?" Ginger chuckled innocently.

"You're always like this," Haru muttered, his expression resembling a sulking child. Little did anyone know, his heart was racing.

Reflecting on the situation, Haruki couldn't help but notice how radiant and carefree Kentaro seemed today, even more so than usual. If he had known his friend would be so at ease in places like this, Haruki would have researched good art museums a long time ago.

He longed to see Kentaro genuinely enjoying himself like this all the time.

"So where to next?" Ginger asked, already checking the time on his cellphone.

Haruki was taken aback. "You're just going to change the subject like that?"

"Is there more to say?" Kentaro looked puzzled. "I already told you the second reason why I joined."

I'm sure he only meant he liked me as a good friend, but others might misunderstand if they heard that; Haruki thought, failing to come up with a convincing argument.

Wait, why would others misunderstand? Neither of them were girls, so why the potential for confusion?

So what if Kentaro used the word 'like'? He had used similar words in the past, and he could like anyone as a 'bro', right?

More importantly, why was Haruki still obsessing over this?

"Hello, is anyone still in there?" Haru's world shattered as Kentaro's face loomed dangerously close, causing his breath to hitch and his body to stiffen. In that moment, he felt exposed, as if his innermost thoughts were laid bare for all to see.

Meanwhile, Ginger, oblivious to the tension, grew increasingly unsettled, waving his hand in front of Haru's vacant gaze.

"F-Food," Haruki stammered, his words escaping him in a rush.

Perplexed, Kentaro furrowed his brow. "Didn't you say you weren't that hungry just ten minutes ago?"

"Well, I am now," Haru declared, rising abruptly from the bench. "But not here. This place is ridiculously expensive..."

Ginger brandished his black card playfully, a silent reminder.

"I want somewhere I can stuff my face with... I don't know... DUNKED CHICKEN WINGS OR SOMETHING, OKAY?"

Kentaro chuckled, his laughter laced with amusement. "I was only joking." He too stood up, hands thrust into his pockets, falling into step with his friend. "You're so tense, Haru."

"I'm not tense!"

"Sure, sure," Ginger chimed in, ready to tease. Suddenly, his cellphone buzzed in his pocket, signaling a new message. The smile on his face faded as he retrieved his phone and read the text.

Observing the change in Ginger's expression, Haruki inquired, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing important," Kentaro dismissed, pocketing his phone without responding. Sensing Haruki's suspicious gaze, he added, "I'll fill you in once we've eaten."

"As if I could eat with all this curiosity gnawing at me."

"Are you hungry or not? Make up your mind," Ginger chuckled.

As they reentered the building, Haruki contemplated pressing further but decided against it, not wanting to create a scene. The main exit was just a short distance away; he could contain his words until then.

Across the room, Haru spotted Crescent Artes still engrossed in conversation with the same person who had whisked him away earlier, accompanied by two unfamiliar figures who appeared to share their social standing, as indicated by their attire and demeanor. The quartet stood before a peculiar bronze sculpture, engaged in a heated debate.

Their voices drowned out the tranquil appreciation of art, a reminder that they were not the sole inhabitants of this space, seeking solace in the beauty surrounding them.

"Aren't you going to see your idol one last time?" Haru inquired.

Kentaro shrugged nonchalantly. "Given his current state, I doubt he'd even notice my presence. He seems like the kind of person who'd ignore everything else once fired up about something." He patted his pocket and added, "Besides, I now have his contact details, so there's no hurry."

As they walked, they encountered the same security guard who had welcomed them earlier, bidding them a good day and hoping they had enjoyed their visit.

Now alone once again, Haruki prepared to resume his questioning. But before he could speak, Kentaro surprised him with an unexpected revelation:

"I'm leaving the day after graduation."

Haruki came to a sudden halt, his friend's words freezing him in place, his face filled with bewilderment.

Kentaro also stopped a few steps ahead, a small smile playing on his lips, contrasting with Haruki's perplexed expression.

"You see, that's why I suggested we grab a bite to eat first."


Haruki Fukuda stared blankly at the glaring red 'GAME OVER' on his computer screen, devoid of any particular emotion.

This loss was just one in a long string of defeats, yet he couldn't summon any anger. After all, he hadn't been taking the game seriously.

"Hey, HEYYY! Are you even trying?" Takumi Shimoda's voice erupted angrily through Haruki's headset. "We're getting crushed here!"

Haruki set his controller aside and rubbed his tired eyes. He had been staring at the bright screen for far too long. "Sorry, I'm just not... in the mood."

"For real? You could've said that earlier. Now I look like a fool!" Takumi snapped.

When Haruki had returned home nearly two hours ago, Takumi had called, eager to challenge some online players who had insulted his gaming skills. He had been confident that with Haruki on his team, they would make those gamers regret their words. But now, it was Takumi who regretted the decision.

Haruki, that jerk, clearly wasn't taking it seriously at all!

"...Sorry," Haruki mumbled.

Hearing his friend's unexpectedly pathetic response, Takumi's anger subsided and guilt took its place. "Alright, alright, no need to sound so pitiful. Geez, if you weren't feeling well, you should've said something."

With a weak chuckle, Haru suggested, "You know, Tadashi is better than me. You could ask him."

"Don't you think I tried?" Takumi forced a laugh on the other end. "I begged and begged, but he said I was being childish for picking a fight online and blocked me. Again!"

"I see..." Haruki guessed that the guy had blocked Takumi after he started arguing with Matsui as well, following his rejection.

"That guy is such an ass. You know, there's this one time he—Hold on, he's calling me. Sorry, Fukuda, I have to take this," Shimoda said, as if he hadn't just insulted the same person.

"Sure," Haru replied, and with that, he ended the call and leaned back in his chair, savoring the blissful silence.

Kentaro was currently nowhere to be found, having disappeared to an unknown destination earlier and assuring Haruki he'd be back soon. With no distractions, Haru's thoughts incessantly circled back to Ginger's revelation, haunting his mind.

Graduation was tomorrow, and Ken was leaving the morning after.

The memory of that moment left Haruki dumbfounded, while Kentaro, unaffected, continued to crack jokes as if it were inconsequential.


"Yesterday night, I received an email containing my flight details and ticket for the day after tomorrow. It came from my old man," Kentaro had explained. "Pretty sure he must've coerced Akihiro into giving up my contact info or something, I don't know."

"But that..." Haruki finally found his voice after a prolonged silence, "Isn't it too sudden? He could have given you at least a few days' notice."

"I know, right? Talk about petty," Ken quipped, before dropping his gaze and aimlessly kicking pebbles on the ground. "I also received a text from him, stating that he's sending someone to pick me up from here on the designated date and time."

Haruki sensed there was more information concealed, something Ken wasn't sharing. Yet, he also knew that even if he discovered it, he would be powerless to change the situation.

How else could Kentaro have so readily acquiesced to his father's unreasonable demands?

But one thing was certain in Haruki's mind.

Satoshi Harada's message made it painfully clear that once Kentaro returned home, he would be barred from ever returning to Ichihara.

It was his punishment.


Following that conversation, Kentaro deemed it best to head back home, since it was evident that his friend was no longer in the mood for going places.

Haruki felt a pang of guilt but lacked the strength to argue. The weight of his thoughts had robbed him of any joy or enthusiasm. Discovering his parents' absence brought a momentary relief, as their presence would only have worsened his already sour mood.

He knew it was wrong to feel that way, but he couldn't help it. He was lost, clueless about how to help Ginger's predicament, and the two people he had relied on had let him down.

Haruki found himself back at square one.

"Just let it go..."

But could he really do that?

The rumblings of his empty stomach reached Haruki's ears, prompting him to remove his headgear and rise from his seat, eager to exit the room. He'd ignored his hunger for far too long, and it was about time he satisfied it with a quick trip to the kitchen.

However, soon after he'd stepped beyond his bedroom threshold, a delicious aroma assaulted his nose, causing him to unconsciously quicken his pace and descend the stairs, two steps at a time. Sure enough, he discovered Kentaro stationed before the stove, deftly stirring a concoction in a pan while simultaneously engrossed in a cooking recipe displayed on his cellphone screen.

"When did you return?" Haruki's words redirected Ginger's attention towards him, although the stirring motion persisted. "You could have let me know, and we could have cooked together."

"You looked busy," Kentaro replied, lowering the heat and placing his cellphone on the countertop. He then poured the contents of the pan into a delicate porcelain bowl, revealing homemade barbecue sauce.

Haruki surmised that his friend had attempted to call him earlier, but he had been too absorbed in his racing game to notice.

"So, how does it look?" Kentaro extended his arms as if presenting the meal he had already arranged on the table. "Are you mind-blown?"

Haruki's stomach continued to protest, its demands unmet. It eagerly anticipated the succulent slices of miso steak accompanied by warm mirin slaw and seasoned rice. The sight of perfectly cooked tempura prawns on the side made Haru's mouth almost water.

He could hardly believe that this was the same kid who could barely prepare instant cup noodles when he first arrived in town three years ago.

Nodding with satisfaction, Haruki praised, "It seems I have taught you well. This old master is proud."

Kentaro snorted and headed to the refrigerator to retrieve some apple juice, while Haruki searched for drinking glasses. "Auntie mentioned not to wait up since she and Uncle will be working late and dining out."

"Working late the night before their son's graduation ceremony. How ironic," Haruki muttered as he took his seat, disregarding the curious gaze his friend cast in his direction.

Ginger sat across from him and spoke, "You know you can't continue like this." He had known for some time that Haruki's currently wasn't on 'speaking terms' with his parents, although he was unaware of the exact cause. However, he sensed that it had something to do with himself.

Haruki waved his hand dismissively, indicating his reluctance to discuss his parents at that moment. There were more pressing matters (namely, food) awaiting his attention.

This wouldn't do. Ginger grew increasingly concerned about Haru's refusal to engage with his parents. He wanted to leave this place with the reassurance that his friend's state of mind remained stable.

He didn't want Haruki to... miss him too much...

"Whatever's on your mind better disappear right now," Haruki suddenly interjected, startling Kentaro.

"I'm not—"

"I know you," Haru pointed accusingly at his companion with his chopsticks. "You're probably thinking, 'Oh no, this is all my fault. They're arguing because of me' or some nonsense like that. Stop it."

Ginger was momentarily rendered speechless before exhaling a defeated sigh. "Because it's true..."

"Zip it. I don't want to hear it, Ken."

Though his words seemed sharp, Haruki maintained a calm demeanor, neither raising his voice nor expressing anger. He understood that his friend was simply worried about him, but he truly did not wish to discuss his parents at that moment.

Observing Ginger's wounded expression, Haruki smiled gently. "Come on, why are you so concerned? I promise everything will be back to normal by the end of the week."

"The end of the week?"

"Yes, I'd rather not lie and say it'll be resolved in a day."

Kentaro could only sigh and relent in the end. "Whatever you say."

"Finally," Haruki raised his glass of apple juice, grinning with contentment. "Now then, let's propose an early toast to our graduation?"
