Ch 47: Banquet News.

Yuichiro didn't stay on the call for very long.

After his conversation with Mr. Nakamura's secretary, he hung up but for some reason didn't immediately rejoin the group.

Haruki watched him, observing how his uncle's expression grew complex. However, it only took a minute for the man to compose himself before finally returning.

"Sakuraku wants to add and reorganize a few related documents she thinks might be important, but everything else is in order," Yuichiro reported diligently. "But... something else has come up, and she's unsure how to proceed."

Ryuji raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "What has come up?"

"It appears... Chairman Harada is hosting a grand banquet the day after tomorrow," Yuichiro continued, avoiding eye contact with Haruki. "Our sources say he plans on finally announcing Yumiko and Kentaro Nomura's existence to the world. Numerous important figures, including yourself, sir, have been invited."

Hearing this, Haruki froze. Could he have misheard?

If this had been before his grandson clarified the situation, Ryuji wouldn't have gotten involved any further. He had initially planned to convince the Haradas to acknowledge the Nomuras, so this news would have been great.

Wouldn't it be a good thing for the Nomuras to finally be recognized as part of the Harada family?

As if reading his grandfather's thoughts, Haruki shot him a look that revealed a mix of fear and disbelief. There was even a hint of suppressed rage in his eyes as he clenched his trembling hands on his lap, trying to restrain himself from saying something outrageous.

His parents noticed his reaction but were also uncertain about what action to take. Frankly, being acknowledged by a powerful family like the Haradas didn't sound so bad. Though they didn't get along well with them, they were still Kentaro's real family.

Or perhaps they thought this way because they hadn't personally witnessed Kentaro's interactions with his family, Haruki pondered. Even so, Maki and Akashi Fukuda were present when Kentaro revealed the truth. They were there when Ginger expressed his strong dislike for the Haradas.

And that was precisely why Haruki didn't want them to act as if this news was a positive outcome. He could understand his grandfather's hesitation since the man didn't know Kentaro well, but he would never forgive his parents if they suddenly ignored the truth and let it go.

"Such thick tension in the room, I could cut through it with a butter knife," Ryuji Nakamura finally cracked a joke to alleviate the stifling atmosphere. "Why did everyone suddenly go silent?"

"Isn't this your fault?" Maki muttered carelessly. "We're all waiting for your decision."

"Of course, that banquet can't happen," Ryuji sagely remarked, smoothing down his beard like a wise old sage. "It took them fifteen years to finally accept those two? That's too half-hearted. I planned on confronting them directly, preferably before the so-called reception. I'm not a fan of large crowds."

"Then I'll ask Sakuraku to arrange our travel immediately," Yuichiro surprisingly appeared more relieved than anyone else and left the room again to make a few more phone calls.

Haruki spoke up, his voice unintentionally uneven. "Are you really going to do something about it?"

Ryuji gave him a satirical look. "Funny how that sounds like doubt."

"No, no, it's just..." Haruki didn't want to get his hopes up for nothing.

"Still not convinced, huh?" the old man pondered for a moment and shrugged. "Ah well, I can't convince you by just talking. I'll have to make you believe through action, won't I?"

Haruki felt a tinge of guilt for failing to hide his doubts, but he couldn't help it. This was a serious matter, yet the person who appeared least concerned was his grandfather. The old man enjoyed playing games; who knew if he was simply passing the time with an act.

After Yuichiro returned and confirmed that everything was ready, Ryuji stood up and brushed off his non-existent suit dust. "Well then, it's best not to waste time if we want satisfactory results. We should leave."

Maki Fukuda tried to persuade her father and Yuichiro to stay for a quick dinner, but they politely declined. It was better for them to leave soon and arrive at the Harada Estate even sooner. Ryuji wanted to conclude the matter as quickly as possible. He owned numerous hotels and lodges in various cities, including Asahikawa, and thanks to his efficient secretary, three rooms had already been booked for them. Sakuraku had gone ahead with the necessary files Ryuji needed, so the three of them would meet there and continue to the Harada Estate together tomorrow.

He wasn't sure how long he'd have to deal with the Haradas, so he figured a day would be enough for this nonsense.

"Want to come along?" Ryuji asked his grandson, adjusting his seatbelt as the engine roared to life. Yuichiro was at the wheel, ready to go. "You can if you feel like it."

Haruki shook his head with an annoyed sigh. "I have school tomorrow, Gramps."

"Skipping a day won't hurt," the man replied, a smug tone in his voice. "I thought you were dying to see your friend."

The teenager waved his hand dismissively, his thoughts a mystery.

Akashi had bid his farewells earlier and was already in the SUV, ready to move it to the garage once the guests left. They'd be back in a few days anyway, so there was no need for a sentimental goodbye.

Maki stood beside her son, constantly nagging the departing duo to drive safely. She had stopped them multiple times to give them snacks, feeling guilty for not preparing a proper meal (though it wasn't her fault).

It felt like an eternity before Ryuji and Yuichiro finally drove off, disappearing into the distance. Haruki remained rooted to the spot, hoping that the next time he saw them, they'd bring good news.

"Who is Grandpa, really?"

Taken aback by the sudden question, Maki snorted. "Took you long enough to be curious. Unbelievable."

But, in Haru's case, perhaps it was better late than never.

Seeing her son's genuine interest in his background, Maki let out an exhausted sigh and headed towards the house. "Let's go inside. I know how lazy you are, so you'll need to sit down for this."


"AGAIN!" Kohana Ishihara's palm slammed against Satoshi Harada's desk, the sound echoing through his office. Her face was flushed, almost as if blood would spill from it as she continued her tirade. "It happened again, Satoshi! Isn't this too much? Hasn't that brat embarrassed our family enough? This time, my Izuki didn't even do anything. He wanted to be friends with that Nomura kid, but all he got in return was spite! Have you seen his face?!"


Hearing the stifled snicker, Kohana's gaze shifted from the seated chairman to the fiery-haired teenager standing nearby.

Kentaro covered the lower half of his face, as if the laughter hadn't come from him. He met Kohana's piercing stare and grinned, daring her to do something about it.

Who asked Izuki to be there when Kentaro was in a foul mood? Who told him to provoke others when he couldn't even defend himself? It was just his rotten luck.

Since his first falling out with Izuki Harada, Kentaro had decided to live without holding himself back. He was dissatisfied with every member of the Harada family and determined to make their lives unbearable as long as he was around. From the start, Ginger had made it clear that he didn't want to be here, but Satoshi Harada believed he could change his son's mind and make him accept his fate easily.

Well, if that was the case, Kentaro had cunningly made his presence everyone's problem.

Every time he got into trouble, the rest of the family would immediately point accusatory fingers at the chairman.

Remember the obedient boy who received endless praise for his potential during important family events? Yeah, he no longer existed.

Calm demeanor? Good influence? Those descriptions no longer fit Kentaro Nomura.

Sure, he could get along with a few workers around the house, but if someone showed hostility, Ken would respond in kind. Did they think he didn't know how to insult people? Did they think he couldn't fight? Those were things of the past.

"Nuisance" was the title that suited him best these days.

Kohana's animosity towards the bastard-child before her was at an all-time high.

The previous day, after learning about his father's decision to host an important "banquet," Kentaro couldn't help but lose his cool. He thought the man had completely lost his mind. Despite all the trouble Kentaro had caused and the embarrassment he had brought upon the family during previous dinners with business partners, Chairman Harada still insisted on acknowledging him as his heir and introducing him properly as his son.

The absurdity of it all infuriated Kentaro even more. And like any discontented individual, he took out his frustrations on the nearest person he disliked without a second thought.

Was it cruel and unreasonable? Well, perhaps a bit. But did he feel guilty about it? Well... does finding amusement in his misdeeds count as guilt?

As a result, Izuki ended up losing a few more teeth, and Kentaro's recently healed arm had to spend two additional weeks in a cast. Not because of any injury inflicted by his opponent, but because Kentaro had injured himself in the process of hurting Izuki.

"You think this is funny?" Kohana's eyes burned with an indescribable rage. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Take a deep breath, auntie," Ken smiled sweetly. "This is just how my brother and I interact. We won't understand each other otherwise."

In truth, yesterday's events weren't entirely Ken's fault. Izuki, that idiot, had also been dissatisfied upon hearing about the banquet and had personally sought out Ken to face his wrath...

One would think he would have learnt his lesson by now.

"Tomorrow is an important occasion, though," Kentaro shook his head sympathetically. "Maybe I should have held back a little. I heard his face might still be 'a bit' swollen. Big brother values his face the most. Will he be able to charm any pretty ladies in his current state?"

"You—" Kohana was consumed by the desire to murder this arrogant brat, but before she could even take a step, the Chairman, who had been massaging his temples wearily, finally intervened.

"That's enough, Kohana. I'm extremely busy right now. We'll discuss this after the event tomorrow," he said.

The woman looked as if she had been force-fed something repulsive. "After the event? So you mean the day after? You've always taken this brat's side, and I can't fathom why. NO ONE CAN! If you had just gotten rid of them long ago, as everyone suggested, then none of this would—"

That outburst sent the man into a fit of rage. He pounded his fists on the desk and rose to his feet. His temples throbbed with pulsating blue veins as Satoshi gritted his teeth and uttered through clenched jaws, "Get out!"

Kohana was taken aback by the reaction, but after regaining her composure to some extent, she threw one final insult, "Bastard," before storming out of the room, slamming the door loudly behind her.

Kentaro, no longer wanting to be present as well, turned to leave but was unfortunately commanded by his father to stay put.

All the fun had dissipated. Why did he have to endure this any longer?

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Satoshi sank back into his chair with a heavy sigh. Lately, dealing with a certain teenager had caused him countless headaches and made him feel as if he had aged several years. Had handling Kentaro always been this burdensome? How had he failed to realize it until now?

"Do you have any idea how draining this is?"

"I can only imagine," Ken responded, unsympathetic to his father's plight.

"Tell me," the man lounging in the chair shot a sidelong glance at his son, his tone laced with exasperation, "What's gnawing at you? Why this discontent?"

Ginger let out a scoff, unable to hold back. "Should I really be content in this place?"

"Naturally. We're offering you a life of unparalleled success and influence, yet you're eager to toss it all aside. For what? I can't fathom your reasoning," Chairman Harada straightened up, his voice now tinged with rising anger. "What is it that you want? Are you acting out because you think we've mistreated you? Is it money you crave? Shares, perhaps? Because that's precisely what we're arranging for you right now!"

Kentaro's face contorted with a mix of amusement and disbelief, and he couldn't help but burst into wild, uncontrollable laughter. His mirth was so intense, tears threatened to spill from his eyes, and his sides ached.

"Chairman Harada, have you ever truly listened to my words?" the fiery-haired teenager asked, his expression growing increasingly ugly. "Recognition? Shares? Who the hell needs any of that? Did I ever mention such repulsive things? Heh, I didn't realize you were this deranged..."

"Watch your words!"

"Oh, and what if I don't?" Kentaro retorted, his tone dripping with defiance. "But it doesn't matter anyway, because for some reason, you're hell-bent on believing there's still some good in me! Why am I dissatisfied, you ask? Isn't it clear? It's because you dragged me back here against my will! I. DO. NOT. WANT. TO. BE. HERE! I will NEVER want to be here! Is that so damn difficult to understand?!"

Satoshi frowned but refrained from an immediate retort. This was the first time Kentaro had completely lost his composure in front of him, and the man allowed his son to vent until he had said his piece.

"How can I be content when everywhere I turn, people regard me as if I'm a disease? I'm constantly reminded that I'm an 'outsider' by the very people who claim to be my 'family.' Yet, you expect me to be satisfied? You treated me like I didn't even exist for most of my life, and now, just because I excelled in a little math at school—the same school you didn't even want me to attend—I'm suddenly a genius in your eyes? Are you kidding me? Let's not even talk about how you only want me here to mold me into another version of yourself," Kentaro snorted, his disdain seeping into his voice. Even his tone had unconsciously lowered as he confronted his father. And by the very end of it all, his expression seemed almost sad. "Let's be honest, when have you ever treated me like your son, Dad?"

Then again, when had Satoshi Harada ever treated anyone like a decent human being?
