Ch 51: Reminiscence- Part 3.

Yuichiro Higashi made his way to the cottage, guided by Peach and another new member, Spot. He'd indeed arrived with all the items listed on Ryuji's note, as his boss always traveled well-prepared for unknown reasons.

"Alright, I won't ask why you decided to skip the negotiations' meeting with the Haradas, but at least promise me you'll behave from now on," Yuichiro complained while the two of them were alone in the little cozy kitchen they had borrowed.

Ryuji's hands worked diligently as he responded with a hint of surprise, "Oh, there was a meeting today?"

Yuichiro looked miserable. "Please don't do this right now. Why else would we come to this place?"

Ryuji chuckled, "Alright, alright, I won't run away anymore. But you know, little Ginger reminds me of little Rue-rue."

Yuichiro felt pity for the unfortunate person who had fallen prey to another one of his master's outrageous nicknames. "Why do you say that?"

"He can easily tell Peach and Spot apart," Ryuji explained.

Yuichiro scoffed, "Yeah, right."

"I'm serious, and it's not just their noses. He even said their fur coats are different," Ryuji explained further.

"Are you telling me you missed an important meeting because some random kid could tell your dogs apart?"

"Actually, I didn't know he could until I had already missed the meeting—"


"Right, right, right," Ryuji waved his hands apologetically as he switched off the heat and took the small pot of boiling medicine off the stove. He poured the contents into two separate bowls and allowed them to cool off a little. "If it makes you feel better, I'll meet with them this evening, then."

"No, this afternoon!"

"Yes, yes, this afternoon," the older man said with a glum expression. "Though I don't really like the idea of partnering with them. It's beneath me."

"Well, tough, because we need their company to promote your business here in Asahikawa," Yuichiro said, using the same words as Sakuraku. "In any case, we won't be here long, so just bear with it for now. I know they're the ones who asked for this, but since you'll be the one reaping the profits, it's all good."

Of course, Yuichiro only said this to appease his boss, but they both knew they didn't really need to invest in Harada Company's shares. Whether they were present or not didn't make much of a difference since Ryuji's power far surpassed the meager existence of the Haradas' IEL.

The medicine quickly cooled, and Ryuji held the bowls in his hands as he walked out of the kitchen. "If these people end up raising my blood sugar, I'll fire both you and Sakuraku."

"Ah, that's not fair!" Yuichiro protested, feeling wronged as he trotted after him.


Yumiko wrinkled her nose as she caught a whiff of the strange-looking greenish liquid in the bowl. It contained various unfamiliar leafy plants, and she felt a slight reluctance to drink it.

"Sorry for the repugnant smell, but rest assured, the taste isn't as bad as it seems, and it quickly fades away," Ryuji reassured her.

Yumiko stole a few glances at her two companions standing curiously at the side of the room, then back at the bowl before finally bringing it to her lips and gulping it down in one go.

Surprisingly, it didn't taste as bad as she had anticipated, and the taste didn't linger on her tongue. Mr. Nakamura had been true to his word.

"How do you feel?" Izumi asked afterward.

Yumiko cleared her throat. "This... my chest doesn't feel as heavy anymore."

"Instant pain relief?" Misa exclaimed, glancing at Ryuji. "Are you some kind of miracle doctor, sir?"

Ryuji shook his head. "It's just a bit of knowledge passed down in the family. However, you'll have to wait a few more hours. The real results will be seen tomorrow."

"Thank you," Yumiko offered a sincere bow.

Ryuji nodded and glanced around. "Where's little Ginger?"

Come to think of it, his retrievers were missing too.

"I saw the young master sitting outside in the company of your two companions," Izumi explained with a smile. "He seemed to really like them."

The older man raised his eyebrows in surprise. Like?

But when he went outside, he did find Kentaro squatting between the two dogs in the backyard. The child's hands were covered in dirt from digging in the soft soil, yet his clothes remained spotless.

"There, it's all better now," Ken muttered before clasping his hands together as if offering a small prayer.

"Am I interrupting something?" Ryuji's sudden voice startled the boy, who quickly stood up and hid his dirty hands.

The man chuckled. "What are you hiding?"

Ken's eyes fell on the small mound on the ground behind him as he mumbled, "It was a dead birdie. Peach and Spot found it."

Turns out, the two canines were the culprits who had dragged poor Ken outside against his will. At first, Kentaro suspected that the retrievers were revealing their true colors and planning to deal with him away from witnesses. But he was genuinely taken aback when the pair led him to a lifeless baby bird instead.

With his innocent, five-year-old heart, Kentaro decided to give the tiny creature a proper farewell. He conducted a mini burial, honoring the bird's memory.

Ryuji pondered the situation, clasping his hands together and closing his eyes. After a brief moment of offering his own silent prayer, he finally straightened up. "I'm certain that little bird is expressing gratitude from the heavens," he mused.

A radiant smile spread across Ken's face. "You really think so?" he asked eagerly.

"I know so," Ryuji replied, affectionately tousling the child's unruly hair. "That bird will be forever thankful to all three of you."

Kentaro blushed shyly and wrapped his arms around the two enormous dogs, which stood almost as tall as him even while sitting on their hind legs. It was as if he was praising them for a job well done.

Ryuji observed the heartwarming scene, crossing his arms with a fascinated grin. "You've grown quite close to these two in such a short time," he remarked.

"They're not so bad," Ken mumbled, reveling in the dogs' fluffy warmth. "Did you really make that medicine for Mom? You better not have been lying."

"Goodness, do I truly appear as a villain to you?" Ryuji retorted, feigning offense.

At that moment, Ken's gaze narrowed with a hint of suspicion. "For now, I can't say," he replied cryptically.

Ryuji's expression softened, and he suddenly added, "I prepared a bowl for you as well."

The ginger-haired boy immediately tensed and attempted to make his escape. "Umm... Peach and Spot wanted to go for a walk earlier..."

"Hold on a moment," Ryuji effortlessly caught the boy by the back of his collar, keeping him in place. "If you drink it, you'll feel better."

"I'm not sick! I'm not sick!" Ken struggled against Ryuji's grip, insisting, "No, no, you're a bad guy! Bad guy!"

Ryuji sighed helplessly, effortlessly lifting the struggling child off the ground and carrying him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.


"It smells bad," Ken stated bluntly.

"But I promise it doesn't taste as bad," Ryuji coaxed, trying to persuade him.

Kentaro shook his head stubbornly. "Don't want it."

"Are you absolutely sure?" Ryuji retrieved a small, round object wrapped in colorful foil from his pocket and presented it temptingly. "If you drink it, I'll give this to you."

The sight of the candy instantly swayed Ken's wavering mind. However, before his hand could reach out to take it, he abruptly withdrew and lightly slapped his own face a few times. Then, with an accusatory finger pointed at Ryuji, he declared, "I won't give in. Mom always says to refuse candy from strange people!"

Strange people...

Strange person...


Yuichiro, who had intended to scold Ryuji for smuggling sweets again, burst into uncontrollable laughter, almost keeling over.

Misa and Izumi suppressed their giggles as well, while Yumiko could only offer a sympathetic smile to the man who once again fell victim to her son's wrath.

Ryuji stood up and retreated to a corner of the room, crouching down and pretending to wilt in pitiful defeat, busying himself with growing mushrooms.

"I just don't get it. Why does this kid despise me so much?" he muttered to himself, appearing even more pathetic.

Witnessing the situation take a downward turn, little Ken suddenly felt a pang of guilt. After all, this medicine was meant to make him feel better.

"Hey, hey, don't laugh at him," Kentaro scolded the bodyguard and the maids. Then, he glanced at the repulsive medicine one last time, mustered his courage, and gulped it down with a sour expression, not leaving a single drop. With determination, he rose from his stool and picked up the candy that Ryuji had left on the table, approaching him.

"See? I drank it, even though it tasted yucky. And thanks for the candy," Ken took on the role of the comforter now, patting Ryuji's shoulder as if consoling a friend his own age. "Don't be sad anymore, okay?"

As Ken struggled to appease the man, Yuichiro let out a weary sigh from the crowd and shook his head, having wiped away all the tears he hadn't been able to contain previously. "He never changes. But I can see why he took a liking to your son, Miss Nomura."

The three women glanced at him, while Misa was the one to inquire, "Oh, really?"

"The kid reminds him of his grandkids back home in Kyoto," Yuichiro explained. "Mr. Nakamura isn't exactly the reserved type, in case you haven't noticed. Being around snobbish people like the Haradas tends to sour his mood. Discovering this cottage was a relief for him too, a stress reliever."

Yumiko nodded, understanding the situation.

The onlookers observed for a while until Yuichiro received an urgent call and hurriedly informed Ryuji that their secretary was fuming. Left behind to deal with the Haradas by herself, Sakuraku's mood understandably soured.

Ryuji finally decided it was about time they took their leave, and Yumiko apologized for not being able to see them off personally.

"You'll be up and about in no time," Mr. Nakamura assured her, leaving Yumiko with a hopeful smile.

"We apologize again for not making thorough preparations," Misa and Izumi bowed apologetically, accompanying their guests to the door.

"No need to worry. We're the ones who intruded on you," Ryuji waved dismissively, then added after a moment's thought, "By the way, we'll be returning tomorrow to witness the fruits of my labor."

"Pardon?" Yuichiro shot him a sharp glance, but Ryuji did his best to avoid it.

From the moment the guests had announced they were leaving, Kentaro had grown quiet. But now, hearing Ryuji's words, his face lit up with excitement. "You're really coming back?"

"What, already missing me?" the elderly man teased, causing Kentaro to puff out his cheeks and look away. Ryuji chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll be here a little while longer. I won't leave until both you and your mother are fully recovered."

Kentaro remained skeptical.

"Boss, you—"

"If you don't believe me, I can leave my two companions here to keep you company until I return. How about that?" Ryuji interrupted, disregarding Yuichiro's protests.

Was he serious? Yuichiro didn't know which trashcan to dump this unreliable old man.

"I'll have Yuichiro bring their meals when it's time to feed them," Ryuji added. "So you don't have to worry about that part."

Yuichiro forced a strained smile. Apparently, his opinion didn't matter in this decision.

"Is that really okay?" Misa sought confirmation.

Ryuji Nakamura, for the first time since he arrived at the Harada Estate, wanted to part with his dogs for a prolonged period of time. It was surprising. After all, they were referred to as his closest companions for a reason.

"Yes, I'm sure little Ginger will be an excellent dog-sitter for me. Watch," he demonstrated by calling Peach and Spot to his side, but the two retrievers remained firmly by the ginger-haired child's side.

Seeing that the dogs didn't budge, Kentaro used both hands to pat them, a wide grin on his face. "I'm a good babysitter. I'll take care of them."

He said this, despite being a "baby" himself.

The retrievers understood that their master would return and made no move to follow when Ryuji and Yuichiro departed. Misa and Izumi returned inside to keep Yumiko company, leaving Ken alone on the front porch with his two newfound friends.

His very first ones...

"The weird old man is actually pretty cool," he mumbled, pulling the dogs into a tight embrace, his eyes fixed on the two figures strolling towards the grand mansion.


"Didn't you say we were leaving this place tomorrow?" Yuichiro finally confronted his boss as they continued to the mansion alone.

"I had a change of heart," came the swift reply.

"So soon?" Yuichiro raised an eyebrow.

"I've decided to lend them a helping hand, so I might as well see it through to the end," Ryuji informed him. "What? You don't want to?"

"It's not that," Yuichiro ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Letting out a shallow sigh, he eventually gave in. "Alright, fine. So, what's the plan then?"

"I plan on having a long, mature talk with the Haradas," Ryuji grinned with delight.

He's definitely going to stir up trouble, Yuichiro thought. "Just tell me how long we're stuck here, for the sake of my sanity."

"It'll only be a few days, no need to fret," Ryuji assured him.

"A few days?" Yuichiro confirmed.


"Then we leave?"

"That's right," Ryuji nodded.

"You do realize Sakuraku will probably lose her marbles, right?" Yuichiro reminded him.

"She'll understand."

Understand by unleashing her fury on me, no doubt; Yuichiro thought bitterly.

But it was only for a few days. Just a few days, and then they'd leave this place.
